Noah Davis, Pueblo del Rio: Arabesque, 2014. Miguel Pimentel © The Estate of Noah
Davis. Courtesy The Estate of Noah Davis and David Zwirner.
Zohra Opoku, Thinking Historically in the Present, 2023. Installation View 3. Photography by Sanabas Jamaluddin. Courtesy of Sharjah Art Foundation.

You have the right to do everything you want as an artist.Faith Ringgold



C& Book #02

C&’s second book "All that it holds. Tout ce qu’elle renferme. Tudo o que ela abarca. Todo lo que ella alberga." is a curated selection of texts representing a plurality of voices on contemporary art from Africa and the global diaspora.

C& Audio Archive

Écoutez des interviews d’artistes, des critiques, des chroniques et des opinions traitant de thèmes incontournables de l’art contemporain, pour ne rien manquer des débats qui animent l’art d’Afrique et de la diaspora mondiale.