
Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum: It Will End in
It Will End In Tears, SCENE 16, 2024
Courtesy Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum and
Goodman Gallery
Photo: Alexander Edwards

En Conversation

Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum : Un mystère peint sur un mode théâtral sonde la complexité de la puissance des femmes

La peintre parle de son installation in situ au Barbican Center de Londres, réalisée en collaboration avec l’architecte Remco Osório Lobato.

Installation view at John Randle Centre for Yoruba Culture & History. Courtesy of Obinna Emelike

Museum for Yoruba Culture and History

Five Things You Need to Know About the John Randle Center Before It Opens

C& author Obidike Okafor shares what to expect from the new architectural marvel in Nigeria’s art capital.

C& lance un abonnement à Patreon


C& lance un abonnement à Patreon

Une invitation destinée à notre vaste communauté à nous rejoindre et à nous soutenir !

Filipa Bossuet, MANKAKA KADI KONDA KO II, 2022. Act I, Performance at MAAT, Lisbon. Courtesy of Pedro Pina.

Afterlives of History

Filipa Bossuet: Performance as Conversation, Intimacy as Power

Having started as a vlogger, the artist uses her biography to create shared reference points beyond self-referentiality.

& Artists’ Edition by Zohra Opoku. Left and right: Give Me Back My Black Dolls (2024), shown in two of five different color variations. Photo: C&.

Available Now!

C& Artists’ Editions #5 Zohra Opoku

Nous sommes ravis de dévoiler la nouvelle édition d'artistes C& avec Zohra Opoku - l'une de nos collaboratrices depuis le tout début!

Noah Davis, Pueblo del Rio: Arabesque, 2014. Miguel Pimentel © The Estate of Noah
Davis. Courtesy The Estate of Noah Davis and David Zwirner.

Installation View

Noah Davis

Noah Davis' visionary art is on view at DAS MINSK Potsdam until January 2025, showing 60 works in his first international institutional retrospective.

Zohra Opoku, Thinking Historically in the Present, 2023. Installation View 3. Photography by Sanabas Jamaluddin. Courtesy of Sharjah Art Foundation.

C& Artists’ Edition

Zohra Opoku: Empowering Children of Color to Love Themselves

In the run-up to our new edition, we spoke to the artist about her passion for fabric and photography, her childhood, and how her new work came about.

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Get Your C& Collector’s Box Now!

Become a Moon Member on Patreon and get an exclusive and bespoke little treasure chest: our C& Collector’s Box - a collectible of all print issues.

Agape Harmani: Trauma as an Essential Part of Diaspora

In Conversation

Agape Harmani: Trauma as an Essential Part of Diaspora

Curator Nicolas Vamvouklis chats with London-based artist Agape Harmani about her latest project, her Greek-Ethiopian roots, humor, and mental health.

Sarah Ama Duah, To build, To bury to remember, 2022, exhibition view, Galerie Wedding, Berlin. photo©ceeceeberlin

“Auf Deutsch”

Sarah Ama Duah: A Journey Towards Building Contemporary Monuments

The artist purposefully contributes to the sculptural visibility of various Black narratives as part of Germany's history and culture of remembrance.

One of the young women's exhibitions previously held in Kigali. Photo: Andrew I.Kazibwe.

Impundu Arts Centre

Rwanda’s Creative Sector Holds Vast Potential Through Women Artists

Andrew I Kazibwe met with Jemima Kakizi, artist, curator, and organizer of arts mentoring programs, to speak about the potential for female artists.

Installation view, Elolo Bosoka, Flying Onions, 2024, Photo: Morel Donou, Courtesy Galerie Atiss Dakar

Table ronde

Dans le sillage de la Biennale Dak’Art 2024 : une impulsion pour la réflexion

Quatre curateurs et curatrices d’Afrique de l’Ouest se penchent sur la résilience culturelle et la symbiose collective de Dakar.

The curatorial team of the 14th Bamako Encounters: (clockwise) Lassana Igo Diarra, Nadine Hounkpatin, Manthia Diawara, Patrick Mudekereza,  Soufiane Er-Rahoui, and Oyindamola (Fakeye) Faithfull. Courtesy of Bamako Encounters.


Rencontres de Bamako 14 Reveals Artist List for 2024

30 artists have been selected for the 14th African Biennal of Photography that will be held from November 16, 2024 to January 15, 2025 in Bamako.




C& et C&AL a invité de perspectives noires et autochtones à débattre, mettre en contexte et réfléchir au rapport qui existe entre les structures néocoloniales et la crise climatique dans leurs contextes locaux.

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