Our library offers a wide selection of books that are connected to the topic of (post-) colonialism in various ways and help us to understand the now.
Installation view C& Center of Unfinished Business, HERE AND NOW at Museum Ludwig: Dynamic Spaces, Museum Ludwig, Cologne 2020, © Contemporary And. Photo: C&
Find a selection of books from our C& Center of Unfinished Business here. Since 2017 the C& Center of Unfinished Business is a reading room offering visitors an extraordinary, sometimes disconcerting selection of books that are linked to the topic of colonialism in various ways – from German colonies to Congolese fashion to capital markets of 21st century.
*We update this list regularly and put the new books at the top.
William Beinart, Fiona Rankin-Smith, Laura Phillips, and Peter Delius, A Long Way Home: Migrant worker worlds 1800–2014, 2014.
Felwine Sarr and Bénédicte Savoy, Zurückgeben: Über die Restitution afrikanischer Kulturgüter, 2019.
Coco Fusco, Dangerous Moves: Performance and Politics in Cuba, 2015.
William D. Cohan, Why Wall Street Matters, 2017.
Sara Lennox, Remapping Black Germany: New Perspectives on Afro-German History, Politics, and Culture, 2017.
Angela Davis, Women, Culture & Politics, 1990.
Clemens Apprich, Vernetzt: Zur Entstehung der Netzwerkgesellschaft, 2015.
Peggy Buth, Desire in Representation, 2010.
Bennetta Jules-Rosette, Black Paris: The African Writers’ Landscape, 1998.
Mbugua Wa Mungai, Nairobi’s Matatu Men: Portrait of a Subculture, 2014
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Der Black Atlantic, 2004.
Weltkulturen Museum Frankfurt am Main, OBJEKT ATLAS – Feldforschung im Museum, 2013.
Irene Albers, Anselm Franke, Animismus, 2015.
Elizabeth Hutton Turner, Jacob Lawrence: The Migration Series, 1993.
Nikolaus Hirsch, Antto Melasniemi, Michel Müller, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Do we dream under the same sky, 2015.
C&, I am built inside you, 2017.
CCA Lagos, Àsìkò: On the Future of Artistic and Curatorial Pedagogies in Africa, 2017.
Aboud Saeed, Jörn Dege, Nikola Richter, Mathias Zeiske, Lebensgroßer Newsticker [Life-Size News Ticker], Volte #4, 2015.
Andrea Caroline Keppler, Katharina Koch and Dorothea Nold, Revolt She Said; decolonial and feminist perspectives on 68, 2019.
María do Mar Castro Varela / Nikita Dhawan, Postkoloniale Theorie: Eine kritische Einführung, 2015.
Ronald Segal, The Black Diaspora, 1996.
bell hooks, Black Looks: Race and Representation, 1992.
Adrian Piper, Out of Order, Out of Sight: Selected Writings in Meta-Art 1968-1992, 1999.
floorplan papers and Anne-Marie Bonnet, Whose heritage?, 2017.
Dietrich Gronau and Anita Jagota, Über alle Grenzen verliebt. Beziehungen zwischen deutschen Frauen und Ausländern, 1991.
Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, 1999.
Maura Reilly,
Mark Nash,
Studio Magazine, BLACK REFRACTIONS, 2022.
Andrea Caroline Keppler, Katharina Koch und Dorothea Nold, Revolt She Said, 2019.
María do Mar Castro Varela / Nikita Dhawan, Postcolonial Theory, 2015.
Ronald Segal,
bell hooks, Black Looks: Race and Representation, 2015.
Adrian Piper, Out of Order, Out of Sight. Selected Writings in Meta-Art 1968-1992, 1999.
Jared Diamond,
Rubem Valentim: Afro-Atlantic Constructions, 2018.
Jack Whitten: Jack’s Jacks, 2019.
Achille Mbembe, Critique of Black Reason, 2017.
T.C. Boyle, Water Music, 1981.
New Media Center_kuda.org, Public Netbase: Non Stop Future, New practices in Art and Media, 2008.
Catherine Morris, Rujeko Hockley, We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965-85, New Perspectives, 2018.
Okwui Enwezor, Katy Siegel, and Ulrich Wilmes, Postwar: Art Between the Pacific and the Atlantic 1945–1965, 2016.
Mark Godfrey and Zoe Whitley, Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power, 2017.
Atlantica: Contemporary Art from Angola and its Diaspora, 2018.
Okwui Enwezor, The Short Century: Independence and Liberation Movements in Africa 1945–1994, 2001.
Aimé Cesaire, Discourse on Colonialism, 1950.
Gilane Tawadros and Sarah Campbell, Fault Lines: Contemporary African Art and Shifting Landscapes, 2003.
Achille Mbembe, On the Postcolony, 2001.
Zasha Colah, Body luggage – Migration of gestures, 2016.
Yto Barrada, Tree Identification for Beginners, 2018.
Koyo Kouoh, Condition Report Symposium on Building Art Institutions in Africa, 2013.
Tanya Baron and Peter Gorschluter, AFRO MODERN : Journeys Through the Black Atlantic, 2010.
Kenan Darwich, Omar Nicolas and Sami Rustom, When the library was stolen. On the Private Archive of Abd Al-Rahman Munif, 2015
Noam Chomsky, Occupy: Reflections on Class War, Rebellion and Solidarity, 2013.
Paul Gilroy, Black Britain. A Photographic History, 2007.
Stuart Hall, Familiar Stranger. A Life Between Two Islands, 2017.
Christine Alonzo and Peter Martin, Zwischen Charleston und Stechschritt, Schwarze im Nationalsozialismus, 2004.
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