Installation view

Dak’Art 2018 – Musée de l’IFAN and other venues

Dak'Art 2018 - La Biennale de Dakar has opened in Senegal. In addition to Simon Njami's exhibition at the Ancien Palais de Justice there are six more venues located around the the city and curated by the five guest-commissioners (Musée de l'IFAN) and further international curators.

Hamid Attia, Unlocked Mediterranean, 2017. Maison des anciens combattants. Photo: C&

Hamid Attia, Unlocked Mediterranean, 2017. Maison des anciens combattants. Photo: C&

Halim El-Dabh paintings in « Canine Wisdom for the Barking Dog – The Dog Done Gone Deaf: Exploring The Sonic Cosmologies of Halim El-Dabh » curated by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung. Musée de l’IFAN. Photo: C&

Theresia Karolina in « The Dakar Confucius » curated by Cosmin Costinas. Musée de l’IFAN. Photo: C&

Mohammed Laouli and Hassan al Houb, in « Invisible » curated by Alya Sebti. Musée de l’IFAN. Photo: C&Labour of Love, 2017.

Anike Joyce Sadiq, You never Look At Me From The Place From Which I See You, 2015 in « Invisible » curated by Alya Sebti. Musée de l’IFAN. Photo: C&

Zainab Andalibe, One story amongst otehrs, 2018 in « Invisible » curated by Alya Sebti. Musée de l’IFAN. Photo: C&

Performance by Satch Hoyt in « Canine Wisdom for the Barking Dog – The Dog Done Gone Deaf: Exploring The Sonic Cosmologies of Halim El-Dabh » curated by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung. Musée de l’IFAN. Photo: C&

Pascale Martine Tayou. Galerie Le Manège. Photo: C&

Yahya Ba, Tirailleurs, 2017. Pavillon de Sénégal. Photo: C&

Diadji Diop, Reniassance, 2017. Pavillon Sénégal. Photo: C&

Piniang, Wasifa, 2017. Pavillon de Sénégal. Photo: C&

Mansour CISS Kanakassy, Silence on tourne Et Global pass pour le passport universel, 2017. Pavillon de Sénégal. Photo: C&

Keita Leblanc, Emergence, Judgement dernier, Couverture maladie universelle, 2017. Pavillon de Sénégal. Photo: C&

Meissa Fall, Monture, 2017. Pavillon de Sénégal. Photo: C&

Halim Karabibene, Cocotte rouge Jabha, 2015. Pavillon de Tunisienne. Photo: C&

Hazim El Mestikawy, Alhoriya Panel no 4, 2014. Maison des anciens combattants. Photo: C&

Cairo Bats, Act 1: The Roof, 2017. Maison des anciens combattants. Photo: C&

Marcus Neustetter, Work in progress, 2018. Kër Thoissane. Photo: C&

Spacecraft_KT, Fabrication d#un fablab mobile: a prototype of a mobile fablab for arts, 2018. Kër Thoissane. Photo: C&

Roger DaSilva (1925-2008), diverse photographises from Dakar, 1969. Mon super kilomètre, Canal de la gueule tapée (Outside exhbition in the old town of Dakar). Photo: C&



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