The 15th Istanbul Biennial brings together artworks by 55 artists from 32 countries, all addressing different notions of home, belonging and neighbourhood.
Photo: LukasWassmann. , Graphic design: Rupert Smyth.
The 15th Istanbul Biennial, entitled a good neighbour and curated by artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset, reveals the participating artists of this year’s edition, which takes place from September 16 to November 12, 2017 at six venues around the city.
“Your neighbour might be someone who lives quite a different life from yours. And hopefully you, unlike many politicians lately, are not the one who chooses to deal with your fear of otherness by fencing yourself off. The artists in the 15th Istanbul Biennial raise questions about ideas of home, neighbourhood, belonging and co-existence from multiple perspectives. » Elmgreen & Dragset explain the theme of this year edition. » Some of the artworks examine how our domestic living conditions and modes have changed and how our neighbourhoods have transformed, while others focus on how we cope with today’s geopolitical challenges on a micro-level. »
Organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) and sponsored by Koç Holding, the 15th Istanbul Biennial brings together artworks by 55 artists from 32 countries, all addressing different notions of home, belonging and neighbourhood.
« The Biennial takes its form from the invited artists’ personal or analytical statements: an engaging mixture of hopes and visions, of sadness and indignation, of history and present day.” Elmgreen & Dragset add.
In addition to the two-month-long exhibition, the 15th Istanbul Biennial also features a Public Programme coordinated by artist Zeyno Pekünlü that encompasses a variety of events and discussions related to the concept of “a good neighbour”. With panel discussions, screenings, workshops and regular events throughout the Biennial, participants can be found cooking, reading and playing music together. Admission to all Public Programme events is free.
More details on the 15th Istanbul Biennial’s Public Programme can be accessed at
List of artists
Galata Greek Primary School
Heba Y. Amin (Born in Cairo, lives in Berlin); Mark Dion (Born in New Bedford, Massachusetts, lives in New York, NY); Jonah Freeman & Justin Lowe (Born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Dayton, Ohio, both live in New York, NY); Kasia Fudakowski (Born in London, lives in Berlin); Pedro Gómez-Egaña (Born in Bucaramanga, lives between Bergen and Copenhagen); Lungiswa Gqunta (Born in Port Elizabeth, lives in Cape Town); Andrea Joyce Heimer (Born in Great Falls, Montana, lives in Ferndale, Washington); Morag Keil & Georgie Nettell (Born in Edinburgh and Bedford, both live in London); Olaf Metzel (Born in Berlin, lives in Munich); Mahmoud Obaidi (Born in Baghdad, lives in Burlington, Ontario); Henrik Olesen (Born in Esbjerg, lives in Berlin); Erkan Özgen (Born in Mardin, lives in Diyarbakır); Leander Schönweger (Born in Meran, lives in Vienna); Dan Stockholm (Born in Thisted, lives in Copenhagen); Ali Taptık (Born in Istanbul, lives in Istanbul); Bilal Yılmaz (Born in Manisa, lives in Istanbul)
Istanbul Modern
Volkan Aslan (Born in Ankara, lives in Istanbul); Alper Aydın (Born in Ordu, lives between Ordu, Ankara, Konya, and Istanbul); Monica Bonvicini (Born in Venice, lives in Berlin); Louise Bourgeois (Born in Paris, died in New York, NY); Latifa Echakhch (Born in El Khnansa, lives in Martigny); Candeğer Furtun (Born in Istanbul, lives in Istanbul); Kim Heecheon (Born in Seoul, lives in Seoul); Mirak Jamal (Born in Tehran, lives in Berlin); Fernando Lanhas (Born in Porto, died in Porto); Victor Leguy (Born in São Paulo, lives in São Paulo); Klara Lidén (Born in Stockholm, lives in Berlin); Mahmoud Obaidi (Born in Baghdad, lives in Burlington, Ontario); Lydia Ourahmane (Born in Saida, lives in Oran and London); Rayyane Tabet (Born in Ashquot, lives in Beirut); Young-Jun Tak (Born in Seoul, lives in Berlin); Kaari Upson (Born in San Bernadino, California, lives in Los Angeles, California); Kemang Wa Lehulere (Born in Cape Town, lives in Cape Town); Yonamine (Born in Luanda, lives in Harare); Xiao Yu (Born in Inner Mongolia, lives in Beijing)
ARK Kültür
Mahmoud Khaled (Born in Alexandria, lives in Trondheim)
Pera Museum
Adel Abdessemed (Born in Constantine, lives in London); Njideka Akunyili Crosby (Born in Enugu, lives in Los Angeles, California); Alejandro Almanza Pereda (Born in Mexico City, lives in Guadalajara); Berlinde De Bruyckere (Born in Ghent, lives in Ghent); Vajiko Chachkhiani (Born in Tbilisi, lives in Berlin); Gözde İlkin (Born in Istanbul, lives in Istanbul); Liliana Maresca (Born in Buenos Aires, died in Buenos Aires); Lee Miller (Born in Poughkeepsie, New York, died in Chiddingly, East Sussex); Aude Pariset (Born in Versailles, lives in Berlin); Sim Chi Yin (Born in Singapore, lives in Beijing); Dayanita Singh (Born in New Delhi, lives in New Delhi); Tatiana Trouvé (Born in Cosenza, lives in Paris); Tsang Kinwah (Born in Shantou, lives in Hong Kong); Andra Ursuta (Born in Salonta, lives in New York, NY); Fred Wilson (Born in New York, NY, lives in New York, NY)
Yoğunluk Atelier
Yoğunluk (Founded in Istanbul, live in Istanbul)
Küçük Mustafa Paşa Hammam
Monica Bonvicini (Born in Venice, lives in Berlin); Stephen G. Rhodes (Born in Houston, Texas, lives in Berlin); Tuğçe Tuna (Born in Mons, lives in Istanbul)
Outside all venues
Burçak Bingöl (Born in Giresun, lives in Istanbul); Lukas Wassmann (Born in Zurich, lives in Berlin)
15th Istanbul Biennial
a good neighbour
September 16–November 12, 2017
Media preview: September 12–13
Professional preview: September 14–15
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