The 15th Istanbul Biennial is taking place between 16 September and 12 November 2017 at six venues around the city exploring ideas of neighbourhood, belonging and co-existence.
Lungiswa Gqunta, Lawn 1 2016/17. Photo by C&
“‘a good neighbour’ will deal with multiple notions of home and neighbourhoods, exploring how living modes in our private spheres have changed throughout the past decades. Home is approached as an indicator of diverse identities and a vehicle for self-expression, and neighbourhood as a micro-universe exemplifying some of the challenges we face in terms of co-existence today…Your neighbour might be someone who lives quite a different life from yours. And hopefully you, unlike many politicians lately, are not the one who chooses to deal with your fear of otherness by fencing yourself off. The artists in the 15th Istanbul Biennial raise questions about ideas of home, neighbourhood, belonging and co-existence from multiple perspectives.“, so the curators Elmgreen & Dragset.
Participating artists: Heba Y. Amin, Mark Dion, Jonah Freeman & Justin Lowe, Kasia Fudakowski, Pedro Gómez-Egaña, Lungiswa Gqunta, Andrea Joyce Heimer, Morag Keil & Georgie Nettell, Olaf Metzel, Mahmoud Obaidi, Henrik Olesen, Erkan Özgen, Leander Schönweger, Dan Stockholm, Ali Taptık, Bilal Yılmaz, Volkan Aslan, Alper Aydın, Monica Bonvicini, Louise Bourgeois, Latifa Echakhch, Candeğer Furtun, Kim Heecheon, Mirak Jamal, Fernando Lanhas, Victor Leguy, Klara Lidén, Mahmoud Obaidi, Lydia Ourahmane, Rayyane Tabet, Young-Jun Tak, Kaari Upson, Kemang Wa Lehulere, Yonamine, Xiao Yu, Mahmoud Khaled, Adel Abdessemed, Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Alejandro Almanza Pereda, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Vajiko Chachkhiani, Gözde İlkin, Liliana Maresca, Lee Miller, Aude Pariset, Sim Chi Yin, Dayanita Singh, Tatiana Trouvé, Tsang Kinwah, Andra Ursuta, Fred Wilson
Enjoy a first visuelle impression here on C&.
Lungiswa Gqunta
Fred Wilson
Njideka Akunyili Crosby
Njideka Akunyili Crosby, (from right to left) Nyado, The Thing Around Her Neck, 2011; « The Beautiful Ones » Series #1c, 2014; Grandmother’s Parlour 2016. Photo by C&
Kemang Wa Lehulere
Lydia Ourahmane
Latifa Echakhch
Alejandro Almanza Pereda
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