
(left) James Baldwin and Margaret Mead, A Rap On Race, book cover of 1970. (right) Langston Hughes, The Ways Of White Folks, book cover of 1934.

C& Center of Unfinished Business

How Germany is in Denial of its Historical Racism Today

In this series, C& and ArtsEverywhere commission texts inspired by the books in…

Whitney Museum of American Art New York. Photograph by Ed Lederman.

"The spectacle of Black trauma"

Why Double Standards in Representation Need to End in the Arts

The censure with which a painting of Dana Schutz’s son was met in…

David Goldblatt, A farmer's son with his nursemaid, Heimweeberg, Nietverdiend, Western Transvaal, 1964. Courtesy Goodman Gallery

In Memory of David Goldblatt

Remembering One of South Africa’s Greatest Photographers

David Goldblatt, who passed away at the end of June, remains one of…

Arthur Jafa, Dreams are Colder than Death (Still), 2013. Courtesy the artist and Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York/Rome.

10th Berlin Biennale Special


When discussing art and culture, capitalism and neoliberalism are often overlooked. This in…

Miles MacGregor, Mural in Havana, 11th Havana Bienal, 2012. Courtesy of the artist.

Between the Official the Alternative

What Happened With the Havana Biennial?

The traditional Havana Art Biennial was cancelled this year, resulting in strong protests…

Kendell Geers, Hanging Piece (1993). Courtesy of Zeitz MOCAA.

Zeitz MOCAA Cape Town

A Change in Leadership

It hasn’t been an easy start for the Zeitz MOCCA Museum in Cape…

Mídia Ninja, Rio de Janeiro, March 20th 2018​. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Artists’ Voices

Marielle Franco’s assassination and Afro-Brazilian perspectives

The shots that killed the Rio de Janeiro City Councilor echoed throughout Brazil…

Arthur Jafa, Love Is The Message, The Message Is Death (still), 2016, single-channel video (color, sound), 7:30 minutes, courtesy of the artist and Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York/Rome.

Curatorial Pitfalls

On Arthur Jafa and the US-centrism of Black representation in Europe

When representing Black life in art, curators in Europe tend to focus on…

Judith with the Head of Holofernes by Cristofano Allori (as picked by Hettie Judah)

Art World

#metoo – where do we take it from here?

Since the #metoo campaign resurfaced in 2017 in the wake of the Weinstein…

Street Performance of Mugabe's

“Coffin for Head of State”

When Zimbabwe Responded to Mugabe’s Fall with Street Art

After 37 years of a tough rule that restricted freedoms across society, Zimbabweans…

#SayHerName, 2016, Rose Installation at the entrance to Stevenson, Cape Town. Copyright the artist. Courtesy of Stevenson, Cape Town and Johannesburg.


Old Buildings. New Conversations.

C& author Thuli Gamedze writes about South Africa’s museum’s colonial history and suggests…

Kadir Nelson, DRAKE: Nothing was the Same, 2013  oil on linen  62” x 30”, Cash Money Records. © Kadir Nelson

On the collaboration between Kadir Nelson and Drake

Boyz to Men

A while ago US-artist Kadir Nelson entered an unlikely creative partnership with rapper…

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