Exterior of Zoma Museum.
Zoma Museum, formerly known as Zoma Contemporary Art Center (ZCAC) is an environmenally concious art center located in Addis Ababa. The concept was developed by Meskerem Assegued (cultural anthropologist and curator). It is constructed and co-directed by both Meskerem and Elias Sime (artist).
The concept of ZCAC was first introduced to the public in 2002 during Giziawi #1, an art happening organized by Meskerem with artists from Ethiopia, USA, Italy, Kenya, and France on Meskel Square, one of the largest public venues in Addis Ababa. The focus of ZCAC is multidisciplinary contemporary art, international exchange between artists, and the conception and implementation of sustainable, innovative, and environmentally conscious art projects.
With its residency programs designed around different themes (architecture, landscape design, art, documentary film, and education), ZCAC provides Ethiopian and international artists the opportunity to live in harmony with nature, develop new forms of artistic expression, experiment with new techniques and materials, and to find alternative, artistic, and creative solutions to current environmental problems.
Another important component of ZCAC’s activities is the establishment of an ongoing educational program with international partner institutions. Since 2002, the center has been regularly hosting educational events, such as workshops at the School of Fine Arts with renowned artists such as David Hammons from New York and Ernesto Novelo from Mexico.