We want to share some resources on the important movements that help us to see a more differentiated picture of these complex times.
(Clockwise): Delegation Parade Frelimo. Photo: Luc-Daniel Dupire. Courtesy of PANAFEST archiv; Jeannette Ehlers 'Whip it Good’ 2017. Photo: Aukje Lepoutre Ravn. Courtesy the artist.; Zineb Sedira, The Lovers, 2008 © the artist/DACS, London and courtesy kamel mennour, Paris/London; Kiosk Gallery Poster: 'Show Me Your Archive and I Will Tell You Who is in Power', 2017.
While too many places in the world are in a constant state of conflict and war, this year has been particularly frightening as well as revealing. In moments like these, it feels crucial, more than ever, to highlight important post-colonial theory and decolonial practices that help us to see and understand a more differentiated picture.
C&’s extensive archive of knowledge has formulated an alternative narrative of many art histories for over a decade. In this context postcolonial theory and decolonial perspectives have always been and are a tissue of our practice, describing how the multi-layered, even contradictory layers of identity come together. We feel the urgent need to compile and share this reader with texts from our archive: to remind of how important these theories and movements have been and are: by providing a platform for diverse, equal and inclusive voices which tap into and speak from different contexts and expand our networks around the globe.
Find the reader here.
Find an extraordinary, sometimes disconcerting selection of books linked to colonialism in our walk-in bookcase
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