The exhibition ‘Figure’ at blank projects, Cape Town, is on view from 8th December 2016 - 21 January 2017
'Figure' (2016) Installation view at blank projects, Cape Town , courtesy of blank projects
With: Igshaan Adams | Julien Creuzet | Jared Ginsburg | Bronwyn Katz | Donna Kukama | Turiya Magadlela | Senzeni Marasela | Herman Mbamba | Kyle Morland | Cinga Samson | Gerda Scheepers | Buhlebezwe Siwani
The exhibition considers the ways in which the ‘figure’ manifests in the work of these artists, defined either as the representation of a body, or as a numeral, a diagram or a geometric form. Starting with this as a curatorial proposition, Figure attempts to weave together the work of artists from twelve distinct positions. The result is a loose topography that reflects on our time and place, with such diverse concerns as memory, the politicised body and formal abstraction.
The exhibition ‘Figure’ at blank projects, Cape Town, is on view from 8th December 2016 – 21 January 2017
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