He will be presenting a new transmedia artwork, entitled )U( , a transmedia artwork about the relation between the "I" and the social "me", between body and consciousness, presence and absence, surveillance and representation, screen and mirror or between gaze and vision.
Emo De Medeiros, Poposed Installation view - Inside the Red Hour, via kickstarter Proposed Installation. Image-credit: Hugo Sibut-Pinote
Emo De Medeiros lives and works in Cotonou, Benin and Paris. His work is based on a single concept, contexture, which emphasises ‘transculturalness’, interconnection, transformation, hybridisation and circulation of forms, myths and merchandises in a post-colonial, globalised and digitalised world.
The installation will be located in one of the courtrooms of the former Palais de Justice. At the biennale, de Modeiros will show for the first time pieces from his new series entitled ‘Reflections‘. For the Kickstarter project, three pieces of the series are sold for an exclusive price, as well as other special editions (prints, mirrors pieces, cf. above).
To know more about )U( (artist statement and description) : click here
If you would like to support Emo’s artwork, please check out his Kickstarter campaign here.
Emo de Medeiros lives and works in Cotonou (Bénin) and in Paris. Emo de Medeiros’ work is based on a single concept, which he calls contexture. It emphasizes transculturalness, interconnection, transformation, hybridization and the circulation of forms, myths and merchandise in a post-colonial, globalized and digitalized world. His work addresses notions of origin, place, ethnicity and identity to question their context and meaning within our increasingly globalized culture. His artwork are characterized by an emphasis on concept, a serial, rhythmic and participative approach, by a mix of traditional and technological materials and media, as well as a link between art and transcendence. He uses an wide array of media including sculpture, video, photography, performance art, electronic music, phone calls, installations, painting or appliquéed fabric.
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