A series of workshops in four African cities over the next two years and a yearlong mentoring program supported by the Ford Foundation.
C&'s Critical writing workshop in Lagos, 2015. Photo: C&
After a first CRITICAL WRITING WORKSHOP in Lagos last year, Contemporary And (C&) is pleased to be continuing with a series of four workshops in four African cities over the coming two years. These will be followed by a new C& MENTORING PROGRAM helping young writers develop and build on their journalistic skills and routines over the long term.
A group of senior editors (from various international backgrounds) will act as instructors in the workshops as well as in the C& MENTORING PROGRAM. C& will publish content produced by participants and a select number of colleagues will be invited to contribute to C& on a regular basis. Furthermore, C& is planning to cooperate with leading local newspapers to produce a supplement with contributions by the workshop participants.
Contemporary Art from African Perspectives is extremely rich, the international art world celebrates it as the future. Needless to say, this intense and broad art production requires critical voices, art critics on the ground – from Lagos to Nairobi to Kinhasa – to contextualize and document it.
The goal is therefore to contribute to the creation of many clusters of excellence throughout the African continent and to provide a platform for young journalists in order to start networking amongst each other. A further aim is to give the local readership a unique glimpse into the creative variety of critical writing and contemporary art in African cities.
The CRITICAL WRITING WORKSHOPS are a first stage on the ground, followed by the C& MENTORING PROGRAM to contribute to a sustainable network of critical writers in the cultural field.
C& Projects is very pleased that the FORD FOUNDATION will support both the CRITICAL WRITING WORKSHOP and the C& MENTORING PROGRAM over the course of the next two years. More details to follow soon.
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