The Triennale curated by Elke aus dem Moore brings together more than 50 artists from all over the world to look at the the vitality of things.
The 15th Triennial of Small Sculpture Fellbach exhibition, titled The Vibration of Things and curated by Elke aus dem Moore, raises fundamental questions of the present—questions that are central to our coexistence on this planet. Starting from the assumption that objects are vital, living, and bearing power vitality, artistic positions are presented that deal with socially highly topical questions of ownership, interconnectedness, resonance, restitution and responsibility.
Does another form of reality or even truth lie in objects? What social functions and meanings do objects have? What makes us humans want to control or own anything? Objects are also social objects. Objects vibrate, resonate, that is, they possess a charge that can change and even disappear. The conception of objects having agency changes relationships in fundamental ways. Especially against the background of a forced migration of objects, through war and robbery, or other transfers into new social contexts, it becomes clear that relationships between different people, but also their objects, have been violently interrupted.
The current controversy over restitution highlights the urgent need to restore these relationships. Beyond the restitution of property, this includes the recognition of other knowledge systems, including non-cognitive ones. Only in this way can relationships be restored that were and are being driven apart by colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism.
Cultural institutions and events such as the Triennial of Small Sculpture Fellbach bear a special responsibility as they provide spaces in which experiences of resonance can be made. Which forms of reception are necessary to perceive objects in their complexity and liveliness? How do relationships and experiences arise through art objects? How do art objects change through their migration?
From the beginning, the 15th Triennial has been developed multiperspectivally and in close collaboration with three artists: Dr. Memory Biwa (Windhoek), Antje Majewski (Berlin) and Gabriel Rossell-Santillán (Mexico-City, Berlin). As co-curators, they have developed their own contributions to themes and issues within the framework of the Triennial, and in turn have invited artists to participate. The topics are highly specific and function as a pars pro toto for what to expect when visiting The Vibration of Things. They range from questions about the legality of property, the vibrations or soundings of objects, restitution, interconnectedness and responsibility.
With Nora Al-Badri, Paweł Althamer, Monira Al Qadiri, Rheim Alkadhi, Apparatus 22, Sabian Baumann, Zora Berweger, Lisa Biedlingmaier, Dineo Seshee Bopape, Agnieszka Brzeżańska, Chiara Bugatti, Alice Cantaluppi, Stephané Edith Conradie, Lizza May David, George Demir, Alioune Diouf, Cecilia Edefalk, Lamin Fofana, Paweł Freisler, Simone Gilges, Goutam Ghosh, Anawana Haloba, Mohsen Hazrati, Myriam Holme, Irma Hünerfauth, Alan Hunt, Keiko Kimoto, Paulina Kondraskov, Mary Maggic, Antje Majewski, Manuel Mathieu, Karen Michelsen Castañón, Nkhensani Mkhari, Nadia Myre, Vitjitua Ndjiharine, Jan Nikolai Nelles, Elisia Nghidishange, Lucas Odahara, Luis Ortiz, Antonio Paucar, Thania Petersen, Gregor Prugger, Tiare Ribeaux, Gabriel Rossell-Santillán, Nijolė Šivickas, Erik Sturm, Vivan Sundaram, Antonio Tarsis, Jol Thoms, Viron Erol Vert, Athena Vida, Mitra Wakil & Fabian Hesse, Annette Wehrmann, Hervé Yamguen, Philisa Zibi.
Dineo Seshee Bopape: (Nder brick) ___ in process (Harmonic Conversions), 2020. 15. Triennial Kleinplastik Fellbach, 2022, Photo: Peter Hartung
Dineo Seshee Bopape: (Nder brick) ___ in process (Harmonic Conversions), 2020. 15. Triennial Kleinplastik Fellbach, 2022, Photo: Peter Hartung
Dineo Seshee Bopape: (Nder brick) ___ in process (Harmonic Conversions), 2020. 15. Triennial Kleinplastik Fellbach, 2022, Photo: Peter Hartung
Dineo Seshee Bopape: (Nder brick) ___ in process (Harmonic Conversions), 2020. 15. Triennial Kleinplastik Fellbach, 2022, Photo: Peter Hartung
Elisia Nghidishange, Installation view. 15. Triennial Kleinplastik Fellbach, 2022, Photo: Peter Hartung
Elisia Nghidishange, The Censory Woman, 2022. 15. Triennial Kleinplastik Fellbach, 2022, Photo: Peter Hartung
Elisia Nghidishange, Ancestor Caller, 2020. 15. Triennial Kleinplastik Fellbach, 2022, Photo: Peter Hartung
Elisia Nghidishange, Progenitor, 2022. 15. Triennial Kleinplastik Fellbach, 2022, Photo: Peter Hartung
Lamin Fofana, I’m your question, 2019, Sound. 15. Triennial Kleinplastik Fellbach, 2022, Photo: Peter Hartung
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