Performance Special

Studio Visit: A Poetic Investigation of (Unsustainable) Privilege Through Words, Phrases and Images.

Galerie Wedding, Berlin, Germany
18 Jan 2018 - 01 Feb 2018

Studio Visit: A Poetic Investigation of (Unsustainable) Privilege Through Words, Phrases and Images.

Studio Visit: A Poetic Investigation of (Unsustainable) Privilege Through Words, Phrases and Images. A Metaphor of Memories That Soon Will Be Lost! But What Happens When You Test Metaphor as Fact?

A Performanceweek by Abrie Fourie within the frame of UP (Unsustainable Privileges), curated by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung and Solvej Helweg Ovesen

Abrie Fourie transforms the space of Galerie Wedding into an artist’s studio, that is open to everyone who passes by. Within the performance weeks the southafrican born and berlin based artist will deal with the issue of (unsustainable) privileges by investigating them through words, phrases and images. Similar to an unnanounced studio visit, you won’t know beforehand what the artist is working on the moment you come by the studio. There is no choise but to be surprised by the current events.

Finissage: 1st February 2018 at 7pm
