Queer Lisboa: "Are you for real?" – An Afrofuturistic trip from Blaxploitation to Queer Sonic and Visual Utopias

Queer Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
04 Jul 2015 - 11 Jul 2015

Queer Lisboa: "Are you for real?" – An Afrofuturistic trip from Blaxploitation to Queer Sonic and Visual Utopias

AFRICA.CONT/CML and Queer Lisboa – International Queer Film Festival, will bring to the Portuguese Cinematheque, Galeria Zé dos Bois, c.e.m. and Fontória Blues Caffe the program “Are you for real?” An Afrofuturistic trip from Blaxploitation to Queer Sonic and Visual Utopias with film screenings, installations, performances, voguing workshops, a book presentation, and the presence of several international guests, between them the performer Vaginal Davis.

From the 4th to the 11th July this program, curated by Pedro Marum and Ricke Merighi, aims to shed a light on the blaxploitation movement and the afrofuturistic aesthetics and philosophy that had in the musician Sun Ra (1914-1993) one of its most vibrant voices, exploring issues related to race, gender and sexuality, under a queer perspective. Isaac Julien’s oeuvre will be one of the highlights, with the exhibition of five films of his filmography.

The complete program and schedules can be found here.
