
“Land-Grabbing and Food-Security in Benin” A community Oriented Documentary Film Workshop

CIRTEF Cotonou – Cadjèhoun and various filming locations, Cotonou, Benin
01 Nov 2014 - 10 Nov 2014

“Land-Grabbing and Food-Security in Benin” A community Oriented Documentary Film Workshop

The Kulturforum Süd- Nord in Cotonou presents a community oriented documentary film making workshop held by Idrissou MORA-KPAI.  

This workshop is a professional training and lasts 10 days, 3 days of discussion and concept – making, 4 days of filming, 3 days of editing and presentations. The participants will work on the theme Land-grabbing and Food-Security in Benin, and will develop practical knowledge on the conceptualization, realization and editing of documentary films with a focus on socially relevant issues.

The participants will work in small groups of max. four. They will write and develop as teams their projects for 7-9 minutes short films. Those films, translated into various vernacular languages, will later be used to sensitize rural and urban populations on their land rights, Land-grabbing and the linked problem of Food-Security.

Coordinated by: Stephan Köhler with Christiane Chabi Kao

Conditions for participation:

– Benin Nationality or long-term resident in Bénin
– 18 years age or older
– Fully available for all 10 days.
– Maximum 16 participants.

Application by e.mail : and in cc to
Deadline: 20.10.2014 midnight.
Please send : 1. letter of motivation (1 page), 2. CV (1Page) and 3. a declaration of availability for all of the 10 workshop days.

The organizers will cover for all costs of the workshop, and in some cases aid with commuting expense within a 50km radius, and all screenings with the ambulant projection units.

All participants who have attended the entire workshop, will receive a certificate.

The candidates accepted will be required to read a selection of publications concerning the theme before the workshop starts.

The attendance of a preparatory meeting around Oct. 28th is mandatory.

Location: CIRTEF Cotonou – Cadjèhoun and various filming locations.
Partners : AgriHub Benin, Nature Tropicale, Synergie Paysanne, CNA (numeric ambulant cinema)
Organised by KULTURFORUM SÜD-NORD, directed by Stephan Köhler. With the support of Christiane Kao Chabi (Festival Lagunimages)