
Iman Issa___Proxies, with a Life of Their Own

TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria
08 Nov 2020 - 07 Feb 2020

Iman Issa, installation view, Surrogates, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, 2019

Iman Issa, installation view, Surrogates, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, 2019

TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol presents Iman Issas first comprehensive solo exhibition from 8 November, 2020 – 7 February , 2021.

Iman Issa raises questions about the relevance of forms and iterates the past into virulent present. Historical artefacts, the history of ideas and cultural practices, such as museal conventions of showing and preserving, are drawn upon, variegated and reinterpreted in her installations, films, publications and sound works. For her first comprehensive solo exhibition in Austria, the artist has created numerous new works that will be presented within the context of her work series.

Curated by Nina Tabassomi

