Red Hill Art Gallery , Nairobi, Kenya
24 Apr 2021 - 30 May 2021
Gor Soudan 'Bubbles & Shells Studies' 59 x 42 cm Ink, Acryl & Spray on Paper. Courtesy the gallery.
Red Hill Art Gallery presents Gor Soudan: A Retrospective from 24th April until 30th May 2021 and the gallery is open daily from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Gor Soudan is a conceptual artist living and working in Kisumu and Nairobi. Often subtly engaged with contemporary political and social issues and embedded in urban culture, Gor’s artistic practice is an organic process through which everyday material is transformed into powerful work. He has worked with pages of the Kenyan constitution, carton, plastic, shopping bags and ‘protest wire’ – a tangled black mass of wire he salvaged from car tyres burnt during civil unrests in Nairobi brought about by political tension.