C& Center of Unfinished Business
Du philosophe du XVIIIe siècle Anton Wilhelm Amo à la perspective du XXIe siècle de Johny Pitts en passant par May Ayim.
Culture matérielle
Dans une reconfiguration subversive d'images et d'objets, l'exposition "No One Has Ever Called Their Child Hunger" évoque un cosmos.
C& x Stedelijk Editorial Fellowship: Wanini Kimemiah
Fellow Wanini Kimemiah presents an editorial essay that introduces eight texts exploring the complex legacies of colonial histories in Kenya.
C& x Stedelijk Editorial Fellowship
Cynthia Nyakiro Ngunjiri presents a visual art project in process featuring plant motifs inspired by her family’s generational knowledge of medicinal.
In her contribution, Mwende Ngao explores the complex relationship between urban life and nature in a rapidly developing Nairobi.
Inspirée par la pensée pionnière de Stuart Hall sur les questions d'identité, notre autrice, Aaliyah Lauterkranz, a écrit un poème.
"Afterlives of History"
Having started as a vlogger, the artist uses her biography to create shared reference points beyond self-referentiality.
C& Book #02
In reference to the title with C&’s latest book, Ruth Ige has written a poem to share her very own relationship with Blackness.
Portrait d’artiste
L'artiste crée un dialogue entre son héritage et sa culture française natale, fusionnant traditions, culture pop et enseignements philosophiques.
Visite du studio
Marny Garcia Mommertz rend visite à Anaïs Cheleux dans son studio en Guadeloupe pour discuter du sirop de canne à sucre et de la Dak’art.
Sharjah Art Museum
A comprehensive survey offers insights into the Ethiopian painter’s career and makes the case for multiple modernisms.
Female Pioneers
Fondation H is dedicating its first exhibition to an icon of the Malagasy art scene: Madame Zo. Here, Hemerson Andrianetrazafy reflects on her work.