(left) Faith Ringgold, Feminist Series: We Meet the Monster, 1972. Acrylic on canvas framed in cloth 12/20, 127 x 83 cm. (right) Faith Ringgold, Marlon Riggs: Tongues Untied, 1994. Storyquilt, 226 x 151 cm. Both images courtesy the artist and Weiss Berlin

In Conversation 

Faith Ringgold: “I am very inspired to tell my story, and that’s my story.”

In our ongoing series of round-table discussions we ask a selection of artists and art practitioners to answer ...

Zineb Sedira, Sugar Silo I, 2014. Diptych, C-Type, 180 x 200 cm each. Commissioned by Marseille-Provence 2013, European Capital of Culture and the Port of Marseille. Courtesy the artist and the galleries: The Third Line, Dubai, and Plutschow Gallery, Zurich


Zineb Sedira: « Identity is very much at the core of every artistic practice, whether painting flowers or exploring one’s culture or politics. »

“Identity” and “identity politics” are terms with which artists from Africa and the Diaspora are often ...

La publication imprimée de C& et C&AL #12/4 : Écologies

Disponible dès aujourd’hui ! 

La publication imprimée de C& et C&AL #12/4 : Écologies

Que mon cœur s’épanouisse lorsqu’il cessera de pomper de l’encre rouge, qu’il lui pousse des épines ...

Françoise Vergès : les artistes peuvent traduire l’espoir et la colère en des rêveries artistiques

12e Biennale de Berlin 

Françoise Vergès : les artistes peuvent traduire l’espoir et la colère en des rêveries artistiques

Contemporary And : Une pratique féministe antiraciste et décoloniale imaginera et créera collectivement un ...

High school students visiting the exhibition during Youth Week. Municipal Foyer, Lolodorf. Photo: Christine Eyene, 2022.

Giving Back to the Continent 

Bikoka Art Project: A New Art Initiative in the South Province of Cameroon

The number of African Diaspora art practitioners enjoying considerable success in the international art scene ...

Clockwise: Kyle Malanda, Who Will Bury You? III, 2018. Courtesy the artist; Ja’Tovia Gary, Image from Giverny I (Négresse Impériale), 2018. Courtesy the artist; kate-hers RHEE, And then there were none. ©2013, performance HD video and C-Print photography, courtesy of the artist.

From the Archive 

Black (Art) History Month

A Groundbreaking Congress in Zimbabwe How a Historical Art Conference in Africa Was Restaged The International ...

James Bantone, He Said, They Said, 2020, exhibition view, Coalmine, Zurich

“Auf Deutsch” 

James Bantone : Mimétisme, performance et communauté

Depuis des siècles, les pays germanophones forment un espace où s’origine une riche production culture ...

Deborah-Joyce Holman, Unless (2021), Film Still. Yara Dulac Gisler & Deborah Joyce Holman. Courtesy of the artists

"Auf Deutsch" 

Deborah Joyce Holman – Unless : le possible des actes subtils de refus

Depuis des siècles, les pays germanophones forment un espace où s’origine une riche production culture ...

Daniel Kojo Schrade, Afronaut 3-19, 2019. Oil, acrylic, charcoal on canvas 50 x 70 inches. Courtesy the artist.

"Auf Deutsch" 

Daniel Kojo Schrade: Élargir la conception de la diaspora

C& : Depuis 2008, vous enseignez au Hampshire College à Amherst après avoir enseigné en Allemagne et a ...

Savannah Centre for Contemporary Art, Tamale. Image © Savannah Centre for Contemporary Art. Photo Nii Odzenma

Giving Back to the Continent 

Savannah Center for Contemporary Art

Contemporary And: When was the moment that you thought, I really want to do this – or was it something tha ...

Decentering the I: How to Redefine the Human

C& Center of Unfinished Business 

Decentering the I: How to Redefine the Human

Among the very few silver linings of the ongoing pandemic, an indisputable one is the drastic reduction of CO2 ...

La Saison Africa2020 peut-elle mettre le discours français au diapason du XXIe siècle ?

Saison Africa2020 

La Saison Africa2020 peut-elle mettre le discours français au diapason du XXIe siècle ?

En chemin vers la tour Eiffel par une journée de printemps, je suis tombé sur un mémorial de la guerre d’ ...