
Special: Anti-Racism Movements – Screening of Marches for Freedom & The Marchers

Hackesche Höfe Kino, Berlin, Germany
15 Oct 2014

Special: Anti-Racism Movements – Screening of Marches for Freedom & The Marchers

Inspired and influenced by the nonviolent protests led by Gandhi and Martin Luther King,  French activists held the March for Equality and Against Racism on 15  October 1983, mobilizing more than 100,000 people and taking a visible stand against racism.

Thirty years later, AfricAvenir and the Initiative of Black People in Germany (called ISD) are now co-hosting a film night on 15  October in Berlin around the theme of anti-racism movements in France and the United States. The evening will begin with the documentary Marches for Freedom by the French romanticism activist Rokhaya Diallo, followed by the feature film The Marchers by Nabil Ben Yadir, a critically acclaimed cinematic reconstruction of the March for Equality and Against Racism that filled the streets with droves of demonstrators in opposition to explicit and implicit racism in France.

The screenings will be followed by a question-and-answer session with Toumi Djaïdja, initiator of the 1983 march and Rokhaya Diallo, prominent anti-racism activist (moderated by Jamie Schearer of IBPG) as well as a small reception in the cinema lobby.

The following day, 16  October 2014, a one-time screening of The Marchers will be shown for school groups beginning at 10  am.

The events are sponsored by Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service, RLS, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, and the German Foreign Office’s Action Africa program and produced with the cooperation of Africiné, SEV magazine, the Zentrum Moderner Orient, Club der Freunde von RFI, Berlin Poche,, Exberliner,

The Marches for Freedom (Les marches de la liberté)
Doku, Frankreich, 2012, 75 Min, OenglU
R Rokhaya Diallo

The Marchers (La Marche)
R Nabil Ben Yadir, Spielfilm, F/B, 2013, OengU
D Olivier Gourmet, Tewfik Jallab, Vincent Rottiers, M’Barek Belkouk, Nader Boussandel, Lubna Azabal, Hafsia Herzi, Charlotte Le Bon

Wednesday, 15 October 2014, 8 pm
Eintritt: 7,50€

Hackesche Höfe Kino
Rosenthaler Str. 40/41
10178 Berlin