Academy of the Arts of the World, Cologne, Germany
Deadline: 11 December 2016
Img.: Mutamassik,, Foto: Asmayani Kusrini
For the first time, the Academy of the Arts of the World opens up its grant program to North Rhine-Westphalia
The Academy of the Arts of the World Cologne is an interdisciplinary institution of research and artistic production whose mission is to decolonize the cultural field of Germany by focusing on non-European contexts and artists, as well as addressing issues of cultural domination, inequality, hybridity, citizenship, and migration. The Academy runs the twice-a-year program of events, PLURIVERSALE. Besides that, it supports local artistic production. This year the Academy extends its scope from Cologne to the whole federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Call V thematic scope
Artists, researchers, and institutions dealing with all kinds of art (visual arts, music, theatre etc.) are encouraged to apply for support for artistic projects and non-academic research related to the cultural and social impact of intercultural issues such as migration, colonialism, and the effects of economic globalization.
Call V jury
The applications will be assessed by a jury consisting of the curatorial team of the Academy. Additionally, a group of internationally acknowledged advisors will be reviewing applications related to their field of expertise.
Call V conditions for applicants
•Applications are accepted from artists, theorists, curators, cultural producers, institutions, and initiatives of all art forms, who have their place of residence or are located in North Rhine-Westphalia.
•The Academy can award grants of up to € 10.000,- per project.
•The Academy awards grants for artistic production (including artistic research, artists’ fees, travel expenses, production costs, etc.).
•The final project (in case of artistic research projects – a final presentation of the results) should be presented in North Rhine-Westphalia.
•Applicants are solely responsible for research, production, management, public relations, and presentation of their projects, and they should present their expertise, resources, and/or identify the corresponding partners in the application.
•The projects should begin no earlier than March 2017 and should be realized until the end of the year 2017.
Call V project proposals
Applications should be submitted in digital form to They should contain:
•A brief description of the project and its final result of up to 300 words.
•A more detailed concept and project description of up to 1.200 words.
•A name of an institution that could host the final presentation of the project. If possible, a scan of a confirmation received from that institution should be included in the application.
•A short biography of up to 300 words for each artist involved (not in table form).
•A cost and finance plan based on the template.
•A timeline for the project’s realization.
•Additional material: media files, samples, trailers etc. Files that are larger than 10 MB should be uploaded and shared via web link. In case of theatre, dance, performance, music video samples of artist’s other projects, as links or on external drives, are obligatory.
The submission of concepts is possible in either German or English. The deadline for application of the proposal is December 11th, 2016. The results of the Open Call will be communicated by February 15th, 2017.
For questions please contact: Ulrike Traub, email:, phone +49 (0)221-337748-0.