
District Studio Grant 2018, I – Decolonizing 68

Berin + Frankfurt a.M, Germany
Deadline: 13 December 2017

Kathleen Cleaver talks at Universität Frankfurt 1971 © Barbara Klemm, Frankfurt a. M.

Kathleen Cleaver talks at Universität Frankfurt 1971 © Barbara Klemm, Frankfurt a. M.

The semiannually awarded District Studio Grant 2018, I (February to July 2018) is tendered on a project-specific basis: District is seeking artists or artist collectives who want to engage with the student movement of the 1960s in Germany from decolonial and feminist perspectives. Here, the focus is on the visualization of the role of black students and students of color in the Federal Republic at the time, as well as the deconstruction of the white narration of this constitutive moment for the Federal Republic today.

As 2018 marks the fiftieth anniversary of 1968, District would like to take this opportunity to question the production of history and to (re)tell the movements of that time from the perspectives of its anti-colonial, diasporic-feminist and black organizations. District would like to actively tackle the ongoing marginalization of this/these story/ies and their resistances and political demands within the constantly reproduced narrations of ’68’ with the co-production of artistic research and public debate under the working title Decolonize 68, borne of the intersectional alliance of the project Art of Revolt. Revolt of Art in the Frankfurt Student House and the Art Spaces District Berlin, Arsenal Gallery Poznan and alpha nova & galerie futura.

The studio grant is aimed at female identified, non-binary and trans* artists and is part of our engagement in building a solidary artistic community. Therefore, the program offers an open forum for the reflection, advancement, and interconnection of artistic practices through transdisciplinary studio talks and the involvement of the grant artists in the ongoing program.

Awarded by a diverse jury, the grant comprises the free use of District’s 15 sqm “satellite” studio on the Malzfabrik area from 1 February to 31 July 2018 and a budget of 3,500 euros, divided into 2,000 euros fee and 1,500 euros production costs. Furthermore, the grant artist or collective will be actively supported by the District team in the form of curatorial accompaniment as well as organizational implementation and communication of the project.

Application deadline: Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Ideas and projects that manifest themselves in the form of artistic gestures – such as cartographies, performances, series of talks, interventions, workshops, presentations or publications – are invited to apply.

Period of realization
February 2018: Artist Talk at District Berlin
April – May 2018: Format I at Offenes Haus der Kulturen Frankfurt / Main, Arsenal Gallery Poznan and District
July 2018: Format II at District

Please email your application until 10 March 2017, 23:59 pm to
Andrea Caroline Keppler, Curator Studio Grant Program,

Detailed Open Call on the District website:


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