University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Deadline: 10 February 2017
Maksim Shebeko, Cell background.
The second biennial PARSE conference at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden November 15 through 17, 2017 takes as its point of departure the question of “Exclusion.”
How does exclusion operate at a local, national and international level both within the arts, in education and within cultural production more generally? How does one get to imagine oneself as an artist of any discipline—in terms of race, class and access to education? Within the arts, how can we improve access to learning and the formation of experience—and what can we model from other disciplines in this respect? How do images of exclusion—from media images of stranded civilians in Aleppo to molecular images of diseases untreated due to pharmaceutical drug finance and distribution—circulate as both knowledge and neutralisation? What are the politics of access? Do strategies and infrastructures of inclusion simply replicate and reinforce individualised imaginaries within broadly hierarchical social structures, particularly as artistic habits of production are increasingly exported as economised knowledge production to non-Western parts of the world?
Both within and far beyond the field of cultural production, people are excluded from territorial, subjective, environmental and imaginative spaces, be they national or virtual. The weight of the world, as Pierre Bourdieu would have it, is slighted against the vast majority of people living upon it. What forms of research and which actions can be taken within the artistic and pedagogical environment that hold open spaces of contact and forms of rights?
The PARSE conference on exclusion welcomes individual and collective proposals on the theme of exclusion from all disciplines. As well as the arts (visual art, design, performance, music, architecture, craft, etc.), we are particularly interested to learn from the social sciences, natural sciences, law, medicine as well as from the professional sphere. We welcome proposals for presentation nodes and are interested in all forms of presentation.
Rolling submission of proposals
The deadline for proposals is February 10, 2017, however, we recommend early submission.
Proposals should be sent to
Please include:
1. an abstract / summary description of the proposed contribution (300 words)
2. a recent CV of participant(s)
3. an indication of technical or other requirements for the contribution / presentation
Open to all formats:
Panels, performances, screenings, workshops, rhetorical statements, design proposals, sonic interventions, hearings, plans, public actions, etc.
(For events it is especially important for us to have a clear sense of any technical or spatial requirements.)
Suggested duration for contributions:
Open to suggestions for durational events as part of the conference: these may include formal panels of around 90 minutes, ongoing installations, performances, screenings or individual papers of 20 minutes.
If you have a collective suggestion, please contact conference curator Andrea Phillips at
Peer review process
Each proposal will be peer-reviewed by three experts drawn from the PARSE research network with reference to:
1. relevance to the overarching thematics of “Exclusion”
2. potential in developing a dialogue across the disciplines
3. originality of contribution
Conference documentation
All contributions will be recorded for archive purposes and may be used as part of future PARSE publications.
Conference publication
A selection of contributions will be further developed for publication through the PARSE Journal in consultation with, and with permission of, the authors.
For more information, please visit our website: