
Afropixel #6: Non-Aligned Utopias

Kër Thiossane, Dakar, Senegal
26 Feb 2018 - 30 May 2018

Afropixel #6: Non-Aligned Utopias

For the sixth edition of the Afropixel festival presented by Kër Thiossane, two themes will be addressed. Afropixel will notably question the “non-aligned utopias” of the major development axes of the digital world.

“Recurrent in the speeches on the economic and social future of the African continent, the theme of the digital divide is now stifled: the dynamism of the technological scene in Africa is attracting all the attention. All programs, economic, educational, cultural or commercial digital creativity is coveted, digital Africa is invoked, “say the organizers. For Oulimata Gueye, critic and curator, “at a time when the ideals that founded the utopia of the internet as a space abolishing differences in age, color, gender, social and geographical boundaries ‘collapse, it seems urgent to take a step aside and seriously consider other configurations to make room for new stories’

On the agenda of this sixth edition, workshops and exchanges, residencies, exhibitions and performances: unpublished artistic productions (April 20 to May 12) and an open source agora of ideas to be held in Kêr Thiossane during the week opening of the Biennale Dak’art 2018 (May 6-9)

Afropixel 6 is the first chapter of “Digital Imaginaries”, a collaboration between Kër Thiossane in Dakar, Wits Art Museum (Wam), Wits Institute for social and economic research (Wiser), Fa’egusi festival in Johannesburg and ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe artists, social scientists etc.

Find the programme in french here




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