C& Center of Unfinished Business

Book List on Post-Colonial Theory from the C& Library

Our library offers a wide selection of books that are connected to the topic of (post-) colonialism in various ways and help us to understand the now.

Installation view C& Center of Unfinished Business, HERE AND NOW at Museum Ludwig: Dynamic Spaces, Museum Ludwig, Cologne 2020, © Contemporary And. Photo: C&

Installation view C& Center of Unfinished Business, HERE AND NOW at Museum Ludwig: Dynamic Spaces, Museum Ludwig, Cologne 2020, © Contemporary And. Photo: C&

Find a selection of books from our C& Center of Unfinished Business here. Since 2017 the C& Center of Unfinished Business is a reading room offering visitors an extraordinary, sometimes disconcerting selection of books that are linked to the topic of colonialism in various ways – from German colonies to Congolese fashion to capital markets of 21st century.

*We update this list regularly and put the new books at the top.


William Beinart, Fiona Rankin-Smith, Laura Phillips, and Peter Delius, A Long Way Home: Migrant worker worlds 1800–2014, 2014.


Felwine Sarr and Bénédicte Savoy, Zurückgeben: Über die Restitution afrikanischer Kulturgüter, 2019.


Coco Fusco, Dangerous Moves: Performance and Politics in Cuba, 2015.


William D. Cohan, Why Wall Street Matters, 2017.


Sara Lennox, Remapping Black Germany: New Perspectives on Afro-German History, Politics, and Culture, 2017.


Angela Davis, Women, Culture & Politics, 1990.


Clemens Apprich, Vernetzt: Zur Entstehung der Netzwerkgesellschaft, 2015.


Peggy Buth, Desire in Representation, 2010.


Bennetta Jules-Rosette, Black Paris: The African Writers’ Landscape, 1998.


Mbugua Wa Mungai, Nairobi’s Matatu Men: Portrait of a Subculture, 2014


Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Der Black Atlantic, 2004.


Weltkulturen Museum Frankfurt am Main, OBJEKT ATLAS – Feldforschung im Museum, 2013.


Irene Albers, Anselm Franke, Animismus, 2015.


Elizabeth Hutton Turner, Jacob Lawrence: The Migration Series, 1993.


Nikolaus Hirsch, Antto Melasniemi, Michel Müller, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Do we dream under the same sky, 2015.


C&, I am built inside you, 2017.
CCA Lagos, Àsìkò: On the Future of Artistic and Curatorial Pedagogies in Africa, 2017.


Aboud Saeed, Jörn Dege, Nikola Richter, Mathias Zeiske, Lebensgroßer Newsticker [Life-Size News Ticker], Volte #4, 2015.


Andrea Caroline Keppler, Katharina Koch and Dorothea Nold, Revolt She Said; decolonial and feminist perspectives on 68, 2019.


María do Mar Castro Varela / Nikita Dhawan, Postkoloniale Theorie: Eine kritische Einführung, 2015.


Ronald Segal, The Black Diaspora, 1996.


bell hooks, Black Looks: Race and Representation, 1992.


Adrian Piper, Out of Order, Out of Sight: Selected Writings in Meta-Art 1968-1992, 1999.


floorplan papers and Anne-Marie Bonnet, Whose heritage?, 2017.


Dietrich Gronau and Anita Jagota, Über alle Grenzen verliebt. Beziehungen zwischen deutschen Frauen und Ausländern, 1991.


Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, 1999.


Maura Reilly, Curatorial Activism: Towards an Ethics of Curating, 2018.


Kathryn Yusoff, A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None, 2018.


Gregory Sholette and Oliver Ressler, It’s the Political Economy, Stupid: The Global Financial Crisis in Art and Theory, 2013. 


Mark Nash, Red Africa: Affective Communities and the Cold War, 2016.


Studio Magazine, BLACK REFRACTIONS, 2022.


Andrea Caroline Keppler, Katharina Koch und Dorothea Nold, Revolt She Said, 2019.


María do Mar Castro Varela / Nikita Dhawan, Postcolonial Theory, 2015.


Ronald Segal, The Black Diaspora, 1996.


bell hooks, Black Looks: Race and Representation, 2015.


Adrian Piper, Out of Order, Out of Sight. Selected Writings in Meta-Art 1968-1992, 1999.


Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, And Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, 1999.


Rubem Valentim: Afro-Atlantic Constructions, 2018.


Jack Whitten: Jack’s Jacks, 2019.


Achille Mbembe, Critique of Black Reason, 2017.


T.C. Boyle, Water Music, 1981.


New Media Center_kuda.org, Public Netbase: Non Stop Future, New practices in Art and Media, 2008.


Catherine Morris, Rujeko Hockley, We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965-85, New Perspectives, 2018.


Okwui Enwezor, Katy Siegel, and Ulrich Wilmes, Postwar: Art Between the Pacific and the Atlantic 1945–1965, 2016.


Mark Godfrey and Zoe Whitley, Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power,  2017.


Atlantica: Contemporary Art from Angola and its Diaspora, 2018.


Okwui Enwezor, The Short Century: Independence and Liberation Movements in Africa 1945–1994, 2001.


Aimé Cesaire, Discourse on Colonialism, 1950.


Gilane Tawadros and Sarah Campbell, Fault Lines: Contemporary African Art and Shifting Landscapes, 2003.


Achille Mbembe, On the Postcolony, 2001.


Zasha Colah, Body luggage – Migration of gestures, 2016.


Yto Barrada, Tree Identification for Beginners, 2018.


Koyo Kouoh, Condition Report Symposium on Building Art Institutions in Africa, 2013. 


Tanya Baron and Peter Gorschluter, AFRO MODERN : Journeys Through the Black Atlantic, 2010.


Kenan Darwich, Omar Nicolas and Sami Rustom, When the library was stolen. On the Private Archive of Abd Al-Rahman Munif, 2015


Noam Chomsky, Occupy: Reflections on Class War, Rebellion and Solidarity, 2013.


Paul Gilroy, Black Britain. A Photographic History, 2007.


Stuart Hall, Familiar Stranger. A Life Between Two Islands, 2017.


Christine Alonzo and Peter Martin, Zwischen Charleston und Stechschritt, Schwarze im Nationalsozialismus, 2004.




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