

Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, France
24 Jun 2015 - 27 Jun 2015


The Harder You Look, Opening event, David Roberts Art Foundation London, 2013, courtesy: Kadist Art Foundation

The Place from Where We Look, is a three-day work session at Kadist Art Foundation that will take place in Paris from June 24th – 27th, 2015. It is the third episode of “Collecting Matters”, a collaborative fellowship developed by Kadist Art Foundation (Paris), Nomas Foundation (Rome) and David Roberts Art Foundation (London)

Dedicated to reflections on collecting strategies in a global art world, The Place from Where We Look will seek to explore how the development of globalization comes to affect artistic production, its facilitation and the way we look at works of art. If the place from where we look is contextualized, restricted by the social, ideological and cultural structures of a given society, how do we look at an art work in a globalized context? How may a collection of contemporary art be used to investigate and trigger new knowledge on such questions? In what ways could a collection embed multiple perspectives from which to look at?


Each day’s program is conceived by a different guest (Julia Morandeira Arrizabalaga, a free lance curator based in Madrid ; Beirut, an art initiative and exhibition space based in Cairo ; etc.) and will be punctuated by the presentation of artworks (mainly from the Kadist collection) considered as reflection tools.

Some professionals and students based in Paris will also be invited to attend the daily program.
Updates on the program will be regularly added on the Kadist website: www.kadist.org

The Place from Where We Look will gather a core group of 6 participants, including young professionals – artists, curators, art historians – and students (MA degree or equivalent required).

– Accommodation will be provided and travel will be covered. The selected applicants may be asked to apply to additional funding for travel grants (as at embassies) with the support of Kadist.

– Participants will be required to make a report on each day’s session in order to compile a final text, which will result in a collective publication.

– Within the framework of the program, participants will be required to give a presentation of their particular field of research.


Deadline: 30 November

Please prepare a single pdf file, no larger than 5mb, containing:

– A statement: we would like to hear about your background, practice and current artistic preoccupations or research. What do you hope to gain from attending The Place from Where We Look, and what qualities and ideas can you bring? We are particularly interested in knowing how your project or research may relate to the framework of this work session. Please limit responses to 400 words.


– A portfolio presenting your recent work (up to 10 pages)

The deadline for applications is November 30, 2014 and the address to send your pdf to is: elodie.royer@kadist.org

The selection of participants will be conducted by members from the three foundations: Emilie Villez & Elodie Royer (Kadist Art Foundation), Cecilia Canziani & Ilaria Gianni (Nomas Foundation), Vincent Honoré & Nicoletta Lambertucci (DRAF), as well as Mélanie Bouteloup & Virginie Bobin (director and associate curator at Bétonsalon, Paris) invited to join the jury.

Successful candidates will be notified mid-December.

For any questions, please contact Elodie Royer at Kadist Art Foundation: elodie.royer@kadist.org




The three Foundations wish to offer their collections as a research tool, to develop an exchange on notions of collection / collecting through an interdisciplinary curatorial fellowship. Each Foundation fosters a significant collection and shares a common interest in supporting the development of contemporary artistic and curatorial practices. This partnership between the three Foundations marks a collective commitment to encouraging new ways of thinking, sharing and producing knowledge about collections. Acknowledging that the structure and fundamental philosophy behind collecting contemporary art is constantly evolving, the focus of this fellowship will be placed upon research, as an elastic and flexible practice akin to the process of collecting.

Since 2012, through three episodes, COLLECTING MATTERS proposes a program providing young professionals (artists, curators, art historians) and students the opportunity to be part of a conversation in a professional setting and to exchange on notions of collection:

In 2012, Nomas Foundation in Rome hosted a workshop dedicated to the question: How to exhibit a collection? After visiting and discussing some of the main historical art collections of the city, the participants were offered the opportunity to organize an event investigating such issues, using works belonging to the three collections of the Foundations. An exhibition/performance by the collective jugedamos (David Bernstein, Geraldine Longueville, Jurgis Pastrevicius coming from Sandberg Institute Fine Arts in Amsterdam) was selected among the proposals of the participants.

In 2013, David Roberts Art Foundation hosted in London the second issue entitled The Harder You Look, taking the shape of a temporary institute and workshop, focused on the work of art itself, from its physicality to its representation and reading: How does the work engage the responsibility of the collector or of the institution taking care of it?

In June 2015, Kadist will organize the third and last episode The Place from Where We Look1, dedicated to reflections on collecting strategies in a global art world: How to look at an artwork in a globalized context?







1 Inspired by the title of Eduardo Grüner’s book, El Sitio de la Mirada, ed. Norma, 2000.


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