©The Triangle Network
Triangle is an international network of artists and arts organisations that promotes dialogue, exchange of ideas and innovation within the contemporary visual arts and stimulates dialogue and communication among artists, cultural organisations and cultures. The core idea behind the Triangle Network is that artists learn from artists.
Through the organisation and promotion of workshops, residencies, exhibitions and information events, the Triangle Network promotes artists’ professional development and the dissemination of emerging international art practices. Triangle Network (formerly Triangle Arts Trust) began in 1982 with a workshop held in upstate New York. Sir Anthony Caro and Robert Loder invited 25 artists from the US and Great Britain to work together and learn from one another. Following the first success, the workshop idea spread and very soon was being replicated worldwide. The Triangle Network is constantly expanding and currently has more than 30 partners all over the world. It is particularly active in countries in which the artistic infrastructure is limited; across social, political and economic boundaries, it promotes exchange in countries including Bangladesh, Bolivia, China, Cuba, India, Jordan, Kenya, Pakistan, South Africa and Great Britain. The Triangle Network is currently developing a series of projects that will secure the network’s long-term existence while achieving greater public involvement in the contemporary visual arts.