Entrance to Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Photo ©Marica Lessa
The Gulbenkian Foundation is a non-profit, private, Portuguese institution that has been involved in the areas of art, charitable giving, education and science since 1956.
In addition to foundation offices, the Gulbenkian Foundation maintains a research centre, the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, and Modern Art Centre, consisting of a museum and an education centre with event and seminar rooms, and an extensive art library. The foundation’s head office is located in Lisbon; there are two other locations as well, one in London and the other in Paris. The foundation has its own orchestra and a chorus, organises solo and group exhibitions by Portuguese and foreign artists, and hosts international conferences, meetings and courses of instruction. It also provides assistance to individuals, and to programmes and projects of a scientific, educational, artistic and social nature, through awards, grants and stipends. The Gulbenkian Foundation maintains cooperation projects with Portuguese-language countries in Africa and with East Timor; it promotes Portuguese culture abroad generally and supports the Armenian diaspora.