The Artists-in-Berlin Program of the German Academic Exchange Service is one of the most renowned international programs offering grants to artists in the fields of visual arts, literature, music and film.
Each year, panels of experts select some 20 international guests to serve as artists in residence; their stay in Berlin, usually for one year, is largely funded by the German Foreign Office and in part by the Berlin Senate. In addition to the monthly stipend, an apartment, studio space and programme funds are also provided. From its inception, the Artists-in-Berlin Program has defined itself as a forum for artistic dialogue that encourages social self-reflection by placing circumstances in Germany under the gaze of the Other – in the form of film, art, literature or music. Throughout its over 40-year history, it has also made a major contribution to the international representation of contemporary art in Berlin. The appeal of the Artists-in-Berlin Program is certainly not confined to the German capital. The Artists-in-Berlin Program views itself as a platform for exchange in art and culture beyond Europe. Collaboration with a variety of cultural institutions, museums, and festivals for literature, music and film in Germany creates powerful and lasting stimulus throughout Germany.