Marie Hélène Pereira: “I’m very fond of conversations that take you out of the over-intellectualization of things”
L’étoffe dont sont faits les nouveaux réseaux
Rindon Johnson Receives Ernst Rietschel Art Prize for Sculpture 2022
SEDIMENTS. After Memory
Nyaba Léon Ouédraogo sur la Biennale Internationale de Sculpture de Ouagadougou
Suzanne Deal Booth / FLAG Art Foundation Prize Goes to Lubaina Himid
Lerato Nkosi Wins First ANNA Award
15th Triennial of Small Sculpture Fellbach
Stéphané Edith Conradie Receives Triennial Young Artists Award
Toko zela lobi te : une biennale qui en a marre d’attendre demain
The Diasporic Library, Bruxelles
Challenging the Perception of Preservation in Accra’s Architecture