
This is the thing

blank projects, Cape Town, South Africa
28 Nov 2013 - 30 Dec 2013

blank projects presents ‘This is the thing’, an exhibition of new works by the artists of the gallery, and guest artists Dineo Seshee Bopape and Moshekwa Langa.

Last year’s annual group show, ‘When Form Becomes Attitude’, was curated around the formal and conceptual interests of the artists. This year, the works are bound by an emphasis on process and materiality, placing the object, the thing, at the centre of our attention.

Participating artists: Igshaan Adams, Belinda Blignaut, Jan-Henri Booyens, Dineo Seshee Bopape, Kerry Chaloner, Jared Ginsburg, Donna Kukama, Moshekwa Langa, Turiya Magadlela, Misheck Masamvu, Kyle Morland, Gerda Scheepers, James Webb

