SUPERDEALS, Bruxelles, Belgium
14 Apr 2018 - 22 Apr 2018
Perruche is a new event-series presented by the Goethe-Institut Brussels. Various artists linked to Germany will be invited to present their work at the residence SUPERDEALS.
In the Situation #2 Perruche presents the first solo exhibition by artist Julien Creuzet in Brussels.
His multimedia installations use found objects, video, engraving and poetry to question the role of language for both the individual and collective memory. Inspired by the philosophical reflections of Édouard Glissant, Julien Creuzet’s work focuses on the complex intersection of the history of Martinique and the events of European modernity. By blurring the border between technology and nature, the native and the foreign, high and low culture, he creates a spatial experience that is poetic and political at the same time.
Julien Creuzet (*1986) lives in Paris and holds a diploma from L’École des Beaux-Arts de Caen and a post-diploma from L’École des Beaux-Arts de Lyon. His work has been recently shown in solo presentations at Bétonsalon and Fondation Ricard in Paris (2018), SKETCH Gallery in Bogota and Documentation Gallery in Chicago (2017); and in large international exhibitions such as the Bienniale of Lyon, the 11th Rencontres de Bamako (2017) and the Dakar Bienniale (2016).
Opening Friday April 13, 6-9pm
On Saturday 14th of April, 7:30pm there will be an Artist Talk with Julien Creuzet and a sound performance with artist Pedro Oliveira at Jester, Avenue de la Porte de Hal 2-4, 1060 Brussels.
The exhibition takes place at:
Chaussée de Waterloo – Waterloosesteenweg 4,
1060 Brussels