VNH Gallery, Paris, France
25 Apr 2015 - 20 Jun 2015
Victoire de Pourtalès and Hélène Nguyen-Ban opened the VNH Gallery, a new art space in Paris dedicated to contemporary art with an inaugural installation by Cameroon-born artist Pascale Marthine Tayou.
Pascale Marthine Tayou explores the space on the occasion of its reconstruction, with the exhibition titled « Gri-Gri » from April 25th till June 20th.
Momentarily « deconstructed » in order to reveal its future volumes, the gallery is reduced to its raw structure : the artist presents six major installations, most of which entirely new, created specially for the site. Following the success of his exhibition at the Serpentine Gallery in London, it is the first show by Pascale Marthine Tayou in the heart of Paris.
In the fall 2015, VNH Gallery will finally settle permanently in the entirely renewed space and will unfold its programme of events, which is to be announced shortly.
VNH Gallery
108, rue Vielle du Temple,
75003, Paris.