Gallery 38, Casablanca, Morocco
24 Sep 2020 - 31 Oct 2020
Mohamed Thara - Rendition 2019, oil painting on canvas, 195 x 162 cm Infernus, 2019, installation of 73 MK2 black grenade shells on 120 cm wooden orange circle; Nissrine Seffar - Borders, 2020, mixed technique on marble, 30 x 40 X 4 cm each plate; Mohssin Harraki - Anwar Al-Nujūm, 02.39.00 2020, print on glass, unique piece, 130 x 91 x 4 cm; Mounir Fatmi - History is not mine, 2013, video installation, 5 min, colour, stereo; Randa Maroufi - Libération, Nabila, Keltoum and Khadija Series, 2015, edition of 3 copies, colour photograph, 60 x 90 cm.
La Vague Blanche is an exhibition and meeting project between a « new scene » of Moroccan artists, university researchers and art critics concerned with the question of contemporary art in Morocco today.
With La Vague Blanche, Gallery 38 attempts a mini assessment through the work of various artists such as: mounir fatmi, Youssef Ouchra, Mustapha Azeroual, Mohssin Harraki, Hicham Matini, Max Boufathal, Randa Maroufi, Amine El Gotaibi, M’barek Bouhchichi, Hicham Berrada, Nissrine Seffar, Amina Benbouchta, Mohamed El Baz…
The exhibition attempts to weave links between an emerging scene and established practices. A series of articles tackles the subject with as much diversity as there are works, with the publication of a book based on a corpus of works ranging from the year 2000 to 2020. It allows us to realize the full importance and scope of the issue among a whole generation of artists, who here offer their perspective on the shared historical experiences from which artists have drawn a shared vision of the world. Is there a Moroccan art, or only an art in Morocco? The diversity of the material will provide less of an answer than it will document the question.
The artists :
Sanae Arraqas, Mustapha Azeroual, Mohamed El Baz, Amina Benbouchta, Hicham Benohoud, Hicham Berrada, Max Boufathal, M’barek Bouhchichi, mounir fatmi, Amine El Gotaibi, Mohssin Harraki, Omar Mahfoudi, Randa Maroufi, Fouad Maazouz, Hicham Matini, Youssef Ouchra, Nissrine Seffar, Mohamed Thara and Yassine Alaoui Yoriyas
The authors of the white wave :
Barbara Bourchenin, Associate Professor of Visual Arts (PRAG) at the Bordeaux Montaigne University, France.
Rime Fetnan, Digital Humanities researcher at Maurice Halbwachs Center (CNRS), Paris, France.
Pauline Guex, Programme Manager and art historian at Photo Basel, Switzerland.
Jamal Boushaba, Art critic and journalist, Morocco.
Caroline Corbal, Independent curator, artist-researcher and associate member of the (MICA) research laboratory at the Bordeaux Montaigne University, France.
Maï-Do Hamisultane, Writer and psychiatrist, France.
Olivier Rachet, Art critic with holder of an Agrégation higher degree in French Language and Literature and certified in film-audiovisual, Morocco.
Syham Weigant, Independent curator, Morocco.
Chahrazad Zahi, Independent curator and a researcher in art history and architecture at Boston University, USA.