
Kenneth Shandu: Azilime Ziyetsheni

Bag Factory, Johannesburg, South Africa
07 May 2022 - 28 May 2022

Kenneth Shandu, Asiyeni, Lets go for it, charcoal on paped, 2022.

Kenneth Shandu, Asiyeni, Lets go for it, charcoal on paped, 2022.

Bag Factory presents Azilime ziyetsheni and exhibition by Kenneth Shandu, curated by Rohini Amratlal. The show will open on 7 May 2022 at 11am and runs through 28 May.

This exhibition is a visual exploration inspired by what Kenneth Shandu observes as the everyday experiences of smallholder farmers, of the community from KwaSokhulu in the North coast of KwaZulu Natal. Shandu views the multiple challenges subsistence farmers have experienced.

Shandu’s places his focus on the socioeconomic realities of farmers who do not have access to new technology in agriculture. He aims to address a series of critical questions about the experiences of the lives of marginalized farmers. To question how their circumstances challenges our democratic situated-ness. Through his practice Shandu explores the depiction of farming tools as a metaphor for hard labour and shares his views. The greater question Shandu seeks to ask is, is there any improvement for the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in post-apartheid South Africa?

