Acud Studio, Berlin, Germany
16 Jun 2017
image by Ibrahima Thiam, courtesy of the artist
Two new publications on photography from African perspectives will be launched in June 2017: « Photography and Orality. Dialogues in Bamako, Dakar, and elsewhere« , an online interview project developed over the last few years with 17 photographers from Bamako and Dakar, as well as Contemporary And (C&) in collaboration with Aperture magazine will present a special edition « Platform Africa« profiling photographers, biennales, art spaces, and educational workshops.
Bärbel Küster and Clara Pacquet from the Photography and Orality project and Aïcha Diallo, associate editor of C& will discuss their publications reflecting the diverse conversations on African photography over the last 20 years. The talk will lead to a broader discussion about the narratives, dialogues, and polyphonic presences of African photography and image-making today.
Cornelia and Holger Lund (fluctuating images) will complement the evening by giving an insight into their latest research on African music video. Playing with Afrofuturism, hyper-digital aesthetics, and allusions to African traditions the videos enter the global stage with a self-confident yet ironic attitude.
Acud Studio // Talk & Publication Launch
Friday, June 16th // 20h // free admission