Goethe Institut, Johannesburg, South Africa
24 Aug 2017 - 19 Oct 2017
Zohra Opoku & Emeka Alams, Fallen, 2015, picture: Lara Buchmann
The next stop of the traveling exhibition project FAVT: Future Africa Visions in Time will be Johannesburg. The exhibition explores visions of future emerging from Africa and its diasporas.
FAVT: Future Africa Visions in Time explores diverse areas of research and debates generated by the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies since its inception in 2013. Which concepts of future are developed in moments of uncertainty and rupture, e.g. during the First World War, or in the liberation movements? How is future represented and visualized in art and fiction? In which ways does the past resonate into the future? And how can we anticipate from a troubling present?
Its content derives from discursive collaborations between artists and researchers, resulting in innovative conceptual works that traverse aesthetic and scientific approaches. Through intensive conversations, artworks and conceptual positions were developed that critically engage with, reflect on, interpret, imagine, intervene into, disturb, translate or anticipate the concepts of ‘Future‘ and ‘Africa‘.
Concept by Dr. Katharina Fink, Storm Janse Van Rensburg, Dr. Nadine Siegert. Johannesburg edition curated by Anisha Soff.
With works by Emeka Alams, Rui Assubuji, Syowia Kyambi, Kitso Lynn Lelliott, kara lynch, Alex Mawimbi, Tumi Mogorosi, Zohra Opoku, Abdï Ośmän, Simon Rittmeier, Ruth Sacks, Kae Sun.
Opening on Thursday, 24 August, 18H30 at the Goethe-Institut Johannesburg
With an opening performance: Tumi Mogorosi, Gabisile Gabi Motuba and Andrei Van Wyk
The opening week will be framed by a 5-day programm including discussions, lectures, exhibition walks and concerts.
Find out more on http://favt.blog/