Austrian Museum for Black Entertainment and Black Music (ÖMSUBM), Vienna, Austria
21 May 2022
ÖMSUBM Photo: Johannes Stoll / Belvedere, Wien
21 May, from 6pm
Film evening with round of discussions in the Blickle Kino
In the year 2000 the Rounder Girls represented Austria at the Eurovision Song Context with their song All to You! But who exactly are these three soul, jazz and pop singers? Sabine Derflinger’s 1998 documentary The Rounder Girls accompanies the three musicians, Kim Cooper, Lynne Kieran and Tini Kainrath as well as band founder and keyboardist Gerri Schuller. A film about daily life in the group before the big breakthrough. Following The Rounder Girls will be a preview of the upcoming documentary film Austro-Schwarz by the Viennese musician Mwita Mataro. Austro-Schwarz is intended to portray the contemporary Austrian music scene and the Black protagonists in it. In order to speak about this country’s music creation from the past, and the present (and the future too), musicians will then come together in a panel discussion to share their experiences and observations.
Panel discussion with Kim Cooper, Mwita Mataro and Fred Owusu.