
Digital Lab Africa Call for Projects

Johannesburg, South Africa
Deadline: 25 February 2018

Digital Lab Africa Call for Projects

The Digital Lab Africa call for projects targets artists, producers, designers, startups, students in the media and creative industries.

The applicants have to be based in this region or being nationals of one of the Sub-Saharan African countries, provided the project development is mostly implemented locally.

It targets developing projects, in need of partners and financial support, innovative projects from the perspective of form, narration, content and technologies utilised. The objective of Digital Lab Africa is to offer a springboard to the creators of next-generation content. The platform will allow these creative content to come to light with the support of French and SubSaharan African partners like Lagardère Studios, ARTE or Triggerfish Animation.

The Digital Lab Africa call for projects focusses on five categories of multimedia productions:

\ Web Creation \ Virtual Reality \ Video Game \ Digital Music \ Animation

The applicants should submit their project at the latest by 25 February 2018. The projects will then be evaluated by the DLA selection committee based on criteria of artistic/technical quality, technological/creative innovation and feasibility/economic potential. The 30 selected projects will be announced on 25 March 2018.

The presenters of selected projects will then participate in the finale DLA Pitch Competition. Following the Pitch Competition and interviews with DLA Selection Committee members, the Digital Lab Africa will announce the 10 winning projects (2 per category).

The 10 winners will get: \ a cash prize to the value of 3,000EUR \ an Incubation Pass to accompany the development process of winning projects between May and December 2018.

Apply here: