ifa Gallery , Berlin, Germany
14 Dec 2017
image credit: gal-dem print issue #2. Photo: Ife Akinroyeje
gal-dem is a creative platform online and offline which enables women of colour to talk about an array of issues.
Against the expectations of the media, the collective is opening a conversation around lots of different topics – from the politics of using emojis whilst dating to the impacts of Brexit, the reasons why Drake is the ultimate beg and how the black body has consistently been fetishised and devalued. Run by women of colour for all to explore, gal-dem is taking control of their narrative.
In this talk and presentation gal-dem’s Editor in Chief Liv Little and Lifestyle Editor Niellah Arboine will discuss with Contemporary And’s Deputy Editor Will Furtado and author Candice Nembhard the importance and pitfalls of creating spaces exclusively for women of colour.
Talk and presentation
Thursday, 14 December 2017, 7 pm
ifa Gallery Berlin, Linienstr. 139/140, 10115 Berlin
Event held in English