Appel d'offres

Change of Scene. Szenenwechsel. Changement de Scènes. 2016

Deadline: 15 February 2016

Change of Scene. Szenenwechsel. Changement de Scènes. 2016

Photo: Adel Abdel Wahab

Applications for international collaborations in the performing arts with partners from North Africa and Eastern Europe can be submitted!

The organisers are looking for binational partnerships that initiate, develop and implement new artistic projects. In a time frame of up to two years the artists should obtain the opportunity to devote time and energy to meeting and engaging in an intensive exchange of ideas. This could mean strengthening existing contacts or creating new ones.

The call for proposals is aimed at regional and state theaters as well as independent companies from the German-speaking world (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), who wish to develop an artistic project together with a partner from North Africa or Eastern Europe. Change of Scene is open to all areas of the performing arts. A public presentation of the chosen projects should ideally take place in both partner countries, but must at least take place in the German-speaking partner country.

The jury will select 10-12 collaborative projects to receive grants of up to 15,000 Euro. The jury is made up of: Tilmann Broszat (director of the festival SPIELART, Munich), Annette Dabs (director of the puppet theatre festival FIDENA, Bochum), Stefan Schmidtke (director of Vienna Festwochen, Vienna), Branko Šimic (director of KRASS festival, Hamburg) and Elisabeth Wellershaus (cultural journalist, Berlin).

website link for more info