Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Zürich, Switzerland
Deadline: 15 May 2018
Revisting Black Mountain College: Cross-disciplinary Experiments and Their Potential for Democratization (in Times of Post-Democracy)
The Master Class Summer Workshops are embedded in the exhibition and events project Revisiting Black Mountain. The project explores what an experimental, transdisciplinary production of art/music/theater/design could mean and make happen at the Zurich University of the Arts.
The central idea is to initiate an intensive investigation into the model of Black Mountain College and to transfer this to a contemporary art university. These reformulated practices will be shown, performed, discussed and exhibited.
Programmed by Dorothee Richter, Head of MAS Curating, ZHdK
Master Class Workshops:
Alfredo Jaar: May 21–25
Alfredo Jaar is an artist, architect, and filmmaker who lives and works in New York. His work has been shown extensively around the world. He has participated in the Biennales of Venice (1986, 2007, 2009, 2013), Sao Paulo (1987, 1989, 2010) as well as Documenta in Kassel (1987, 2002). He believes art is the last remaining space of freedom.
Raqs Media Collective: May 21–25
The work of the well known Delhi-based trio Raqs Media Collective, which has been exhibited widely in major international spaces, locates them at the intersection of contemporary art, historical inquiry, philosophical speculation, research and theory—often taking the form of installations, online and offline media objects, performances and encounters. Curators of Manifesta 7 (Bozen) and of the 2016/17 edition of the Shanghai Biennale. Raqs’s solo show Everything Else is Ordinary is ongoing at K21 Museum, Dusseldorf.
Bernard Stiegler: June 4–8
Bernard Stiegler is a renowned French philosopher who has published widely on technology, digitization, capitalism, consumer culture and philosophy. He is director of the « Institut de recherche et d’innovation » at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris and a professor at the University of Technology of Compiègne where he teaches philosophy.
Further Information (on master class costs, schedules, exact venues, etc.): max.heinrich@zhdk.ch
Application for (Anti)Master Class Workshops (with a CV & one-page letter of intent) by latest May 15: dorothee.richter@zhdk.ch.
Only limited places available!
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8005 Zürich