
AMAKABA: Online Kundalini Yoga for Immunity with Tabita Rezaire

20 Mar 2020 - 31 May 2020

AMAKABA: Online Kundalini Yoga for Immunity with Tabita Rezaire


As a respond to the global health crisis and confinement measures, AMAKABA is offering weekly online classes of Kundalini Yoga specifically designed to strengthen the immune system. In yogic sciences, immunity is understood through the interconnected relationships of our bodies’ systems with the earth, ancestral and cosmic realms and is directly impacted by environmental onslaught and our states of inner woundedness. The technology of yoga can assist us to support our immune responses and build our vitality to cross the crisis.

For those interested, AMAKABA will be holding two live classes per week:

In French – every Saturday – 5 pm GTM (so 2pm in Cayenne, 5pm in Dakar, 6pm in Paris)
In English – every Sunday – 2 pm GTM (so 10am in New York, 2pm in London, 4pm in Johannesburg)

The classes are open for all. Feel free to share.

AMAKABA is a healing center in the Amazonian forest of French Guiana. It is a place aiming to cultivate the arts and sciences of the earth, the self and the cosmos for the purpose of collective healing, education and social justice. A place for people, land and spirit to grow, expand and blossom.

AMAKABA is a call to deepen our relationship with, and experience of:

• the land – through agriculture, food and the wisdom of the Amazon;
• the Self – through Yoga, and ancestral teachings;
• the universe – through astronomical contemplation and celebrations.

AMAKABA is a longing for conscious living. If you would like to follow this journey, support, get involved or inspired; get onto our mailing list.