Festival Africain d’Images Virtuelles artistiques (FAIVA), Bamako, Mali
Deadline: 05 October 2016
French Version of the Call here
Art video creation workshop and interactive image from 15 to 27 November 2016 in central sun of Africa Bamako-Mali.
As part of the 6th edition of the African Festival Artistic Virtual image (FAIVA) provided especially in January 2017 during the summit France Africa, African Sun and its partners (Kore cultural center and walaha group) organize a video creative workshop of art and interactives images. Organize to prepare this special edition of FAIVA, this workshop will regroup about fifteen videographer of Mali and elsewhere.
Through their videos and virtual images creations a dozen days the artists will address topics on social life and a look at the prospects for a just and balanced world. This workshop aims to create videos or interactives arts to serve as collection for public viewing during the African Festival of Virtual Images Artistic FAIVA. NB: The maximum duration of videos made must not be exceed 5mn.
Condition of participation:
Supported: The African Sun center and its partners will support all organizational costs, material, stay (accommodation etc…) artists in Mali for the duration of the workshop. We will give our assistance to interested artists to find the travel tickets from organization like “AMA, Prince Claus Foundation”.
For more information contact: African Sun Center, PO Box: 6076 ACI 2000 Hamdallaye Bamako-Mali, Phone: +223 20 29 00 23, email: soleil@afribone.net.ml, info@festival-faiva-mali.org ,
www.soleildafrique.org ; www.festival-faiva-mali.org .