Critique : The Probable Trust Registry: The Rules of the Game #1-3
Notre auteur Jessica Aimufua porte un regard sur la première exposition solo d'Adrian…
Review on Postwar: Art Between the Pacific and the Atlantic, 1945-1965
What could lead a group of curators or an institution to set up…
South South Connections at the Goodman Gallery
The Goodman Gallery in South Africa opened its second exhibition under the initiative…
Histoires d’expositions
Dans cette série, C& revisite les expositions les plus discutées, appréciées, détestées ou…
A Solo Retrospective on Belkis Ayón
Since the end of last year the Fowler Museum in LA holds a…
Comment: "My Future Nonidentity Will …”
Three artists from the UK, the US and Canada strife for more authentic…
Afro-Brazilian Manifestations
The Territórios exhibition set out to highlight the importance of artists of African…
Review: Living On – In Other Words, On Living
The bold and groundbreaking exhibition project Living On, curated by Delal Isci and…
Review: Frontiers of the Present
Our author Thom Ogonga took a closer look at the exhibition that photographer…
“Making Art in Africa 1960 -2010” gives voice to various artist’s experiences and…
Artistes contemporaines
Depuis le 7 juillet, et ce jusqu’au 15 décembre 2016, vingt-cinq artistes africaines…
Laboratory of Solidarity
Our series Laboratory of Solidarity starts with a feature by Mark Nash focusing…