
Max Mbakop, from the BMX series, 2016. Courtesy the artist and YaPhoto

C& and Aperture Magazine

In Cameroon, A New Platform for Emerging Photographers

Podcast by AMET in conversation with Christine Eyene and Landry Mbassi

Souleymane Bachir Diagne, 2013. Courtesy of Antoine Tempé.

C& Print Issue #7

Souleymane Bachir Diagne: Trump Troubles

Le philosophe sénégalais Souleymane Bachir Diagne s’entretient avec C& à propos de l’Amérique…

Marco Montiel-Soto, Permanent Storm for a Tropical Constellation. Wiener Festwochen, Performeum, Mai 2017, Photo: Lisa Rastl

Twisting the Position

Who discovered whom?

With the exhibition Conundrum of Imagination at the Wiener Festwochen, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng…

Christopher Udemezue, Untitled (Taken by the loa with a knife in her hand, she cut the throat of a pig and they all swore to kill all the whites on the island), 2017, Digital print. Courtesy the artist.


Congregating the Queer Caribbean Community

For two months in spring this year, the New Museum in New York…

Délio Jasse, The Lost Chapter, Nampula, 1963, 2016. Photographic emulsion and screenprint on Fabriano paper. Courtesy the artist and Tiwani Contemporary, London

C& and Aperture Magazine

Délio Jasse’s Endless Archive

Looking to vintage photographs and alternative processes, the Angolan Portuguese artist engages the…

‘ILLUSIONS’ by Grada Kilomba. Photo by Moses Leo (2016). Courtesy the artist and Goodman Gallery.

En conversation avec Grada Kilomba

Vivre dans un espace intemporel

C& discute avec Grada Kilomba de son travail transdisciplinaire, de la présence du…

School of Engineering at KNUST (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology), Kumasi (Ghana), 1956. Photo: James Cubitt. Courtesy of Alexia Webster.

C& Print Issue #7

Department of Now

The teaching methods at Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology has…

Zohra Opoku, Unraveled Threads, 2017, Screenprints on cotton, canvas & linen 
Joined with thread/ Applications: Kente cloth, wool, acrylic paint etc. Courtesy the artist

In Conversation with Zohra Opoku

From Ghana to Bahia

Multidisciplinary Ghanaian-German artist Zohra Opoku has recently curated the show Nathi.Aha.Sasa. in Vienna…

Malala Andrialavidrazana, Figures 1889, Planisferio, 2015 © and courtesy the artist; Afronova, Johannesburg; and Kehrer Galerie, Berlin

C& and Aperture Magazine

Malala Andrialavidrazana redessine les cartes

Dans ses photographies et photomontages, l'artiste née à Madagascar s’intéresse aux réverbérations mondiales…

Host Protocol

C& Print Issue #7

Host Protocol

Sepake Angiama, Head of Education at documenta 14, and Elke aus dem Moore,…

The Exit Tour at the Off of the Dak'art Biennale. Courtesy of the Exit Tour members.

Retour sur l’Exit Tour 2006

Un voyage artistique et épique à travers l’Afrique de l’Ouest

Menés par Goddy Leye en 2006, sept artistes ont entrepris un voyage à…

Àsìkò Dakar, participants at Raw Material Company, 2014, Dakar. Photo by and courtesy of Erin Rice.

C& Print Issue #7

Àsìkò Diaries

Mimi Cherono Ng’ok, Victoria Udondian and Dana Whabira talk to Stephanie Baptist about…