26 Jun 2014 - 28 Jun 2014
The second biennial program of the Condition Report series will take place over three days in Dakar, Senegal. This follows on the first program in 2012, which focused on emergent independent art spaces in Africa.
The main objective of this second international symposium is to provide a platform and opportunity for examining artistic pedagogies and practices, institutional policies and traditions, and how these contribute to the production, transmission and perpetuation of artistic and visual knowledge in African academies. Participating thinkers, faculty, artists, and cultural practitioners working in the educational and academic field will reflect on crucial and urgent matters relating to systematic revitalization of artistic education in African countries. Invited participants will provide analyses of the current situation as well as articulate possible futures for academic art teaching in Africa given the changing contours of national imaginaries and the shifting global economic-political landscape.
Thursday 26 June 2014
08:15 – 09:15 Registration & coffee
09:15 – 09:45 Welccome Remarks – Koyo Kouoh & Mamadou Dioum
Official Opening with the Minister of Culture and Heritage, Dr Abdoul Aziz Mbaye
09:50 – 10:00 General Orientation – Koyo Kouoh
10:00 – 13:00 Session 1: Histories of art academies Chair: Chika Okeke-Agulu
. Teaching creativity in senegal: from art education to professional artistic education
Alioune Badiane, Director Académie Internationale des Arts, Dakar
. Zaria art school yesterday and today
Prof Jerry Buhari, Professor of Fine Art, Department of Fine Arts, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
. Of the need of training artists in Africa: the case of Kinshasa’s academy of fine arts
Prof Patrick Missassi, Director Académie des Beaux-Arts, Kinshasa
Coffee, water, tea and snacks are available in the auditorium during the sessions.
13:00 Lunch break
14:30 – 16:00 Session 2: Histories of art academies Chair: Koyo Kouoh
. A triptyc for an artistic education in Africa
Abdoulaye Konate, Director Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers du Multimédia, Bamako
. Abidjan’s National School of Fine Arts at the crossroads
Mathilde Moreau, Director Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Abidjan
16:00 – 16:30 coffee break
16:30 – 18:30 Session 3: Global outlook Chair: Chika Okeke-Agulu
. (Re)thinking the educational turn
Mara Ambrozic, Independent curator and editor, Paris
. A question of practice
Steven Henry Madoff, Chair Masters in Curatorial Practice, School of Visual Arts, New York
Friday 27 June 2014
08:30 – 09:15 Registration & Coffee
09:30 – 11:15 Session 4: curriculum and syllabus – Chair: Mara Ambrozic
. Case Study: Ecole Nationale des Arts Dakar,
Mamadou Dioum, Director Ecole Nationale des Arts, Dakar
. The teaching artist, Learn to teach,
Willem de Rooij, artist, Professor of Art Städelschule, Frankfurt; Respondent: Abdoulaye Ndoye, artist, Dakar
11:15 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 13:15 Session 5: Curriculum and Syllabus – Chair: Mara Ambrozic
. Panel: Alternative Education, Education at Laboratoire Agit’Art,
Issa Samb, artist, co-founder Laboratoire Agit’Art, Dakar,
Alternative kinds of [effective] art education in Kenya, Elsbeth Court, Lecturer on African Art, School of, Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London
(Un)learning by heart, Amal Issa, Director of Homeworks Program, Ashkal Alwan, Beirut
13.30 – 15:00 Lunch break
15:30 – 17:30 Visit Ecole Nationale des Arts, Dakar
Mamadou Dioum, Director Ecole Nationale des Arts
18:00 – 20:00 Book Launch in collaboration with Goethe-Institut Dakar
Creating Spaces, non-formal art/s education and vocational training for artists in africa: between cultural policies and cultural funding, Chair: Lilli Kobler, Director of Programs, Goethe-Institut Johannesburg, Carmen Mörsch, Head of Research Institute of Art Education, University of the Arts, Zurich, Rangoato Hlasane, Artist, Cultural Producer and Co-founder of Keleketla! Library, Johannesburg, Malose Malahlela, Cultural Producer and Co-founder of Keleketla! Library, Johannesburg
Saturday 28 June 2014
08:30 – 09:15 Registration & Coffee
09:30 – 10:15 Session 6: Transmitting criticality Chair: Chika Okeke-Agulu
. Artists should be seen, not heard Raimi Gbadamosi, artist, President Academic Staff Association of Wits University (ASAWU), Wits School of Art, Johannesburg
10:15 – 12:45 Session 7: Alternative Education Chair: Koyo Kouoh
. Panel: Short term training programmes
Brazilian report: how to support Artists’ education and research in a culture of spectacular immediacy?
Ana Paula Cohen, Co-director PIESP, Independent Programme for Artists and Curators, São Paulo
The birth of the Museum of Art of Active Life (MAVA) , Meschac Gaba, artist, Founder of MAVA, Cotonou
Khoj: Learning through exchange, Pooja Sood, Director Khoj Studios, New-Delhi
. On being educated through things
Roger Buergel, Founding Director Johann Jacobs Museum, Zurich
Coffee, water, tea and snacks are available in the auditorium during the sessions.
12:45 – 13:00 Short break
13:00 – 14:00 Plenary conclusion Chair: Koyo Kouoh, Chika Okeke-Agulu, Mara Ambrozic