SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, GA, United States
09 Sep 2013 - 19 Jan 2014
« Ice or Salt » brings together iconic and recent works by artist Ellen Gallagher that offer an original and focused look into the artist’s oeuvre.
The presentation, curated by Isolde Brielmaier, offers an original and focused look at the artist’s gridded forms, as well as her use of incision and excision to extend the centrifugal aspect of her mapping.
Serving as an anchor in this conversation is Gallagher’s tour de force, « DeLuxe, » an epic suite of 60 « pages » that exists within but also expands the two-dimensional painting field with its incorporation of painting, sculpture, drawings and pirated prints.
The inclusion of large scale « Watery Ecstatic » wig maps and Gallagher’s two-sided drawings from her series « Morphia » collectively mesh to form an ecology in which many of her ideas about advertising, natural history, science fiction, music and popular culture are activated and made tactile.