Call for entries

Art: An Essential Need, Emergency Grants

Art And About Africa
Deadline: 10 May 2020

Art: An Essential Need, Emergency Grants

In order to create a virtual connection against the physical walls of isolation, and to raise funds to support artists on the African continent, Art And About Africa asks artists to share their thoughts and artworks to collect the necessary material for the creation of an eBook available on a Crowdfunding platform together with limited edition prints and original works from guest artists.

The money collected through the crowdfunding platform will create the Emergency Grants. All participating artists will benefit equally.

Call for Artists to speak out and re-think the role of Art against the alienating effects of Covid-19, presenting words and works to be collected in the eBook.

Who can participate? Requirements:

-Full-time artists with 3 years of artistic career with at least 2 exhibitions / shows in the portfolio;
-Artist currently living in Africa;
-Artist 18+ years old;

How to participate:
-Send us a short video saying how you feel about this initiative
-Fill in the submission form (download)
-Send us your work before 10th May 2020 by email 
-Answer the questions

Call for Guest Artists
Internationally recognized artists that have been inspirational role models and success stories all invited to contribute as “guest artists”. Their support and involvement will give strength and will be highly emulated and appreciated by the entire community. Their contribution will be included in the publication but the “guest artist” are not be eligible for the financial share.

Call for Creative Spaces
Call to take part in the project, by helping to promote the initiative among young artists and contacts. Together, we can support the artists living in Africa to overcome this challenging moment, a deep involvement from all people, art spaces and institutions, are needed during this time that we are all experiencing.
The supporting art spaces will have their names on the website project page as partners of the initiative.

Call to Everyone
Call to Art Lovers, Art Supporters and people that love beauty to contribute to the cause by buying the eBook, so that collected money can help the artists to continue creating art today.
A selection of rewards to choose from is available on our crowdfunding platform.


A physical exhibit is planned once the world situation will allow it. Date and place to be decided.